Alchemical Mates

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"I'm not sure that I should let you go off on your own. How would I explain it if something happened to you?"

"I'm an adult, Mr Black, I'm pretty confident that I can navigate my way around a shopping district."

"But can I navigate my way around your daughter's sharp tongue?" Sirius quirked. "I've only met her briefly, but she strikes me as the sort of girl who I don't want to get on the wrong side of. Letting you wander off around Magical London seems the sort of thing that might stoke her ire!"

Catrin chuckled. "She has a habit of making that impression! But she does improve, I promise. But I insist on going. I'm actually quite looking forward to being able to explore the place."

"Well let me at least draw you a map ... I'm pretty good at making magical maps, Sirius reminisced fondly.

"I would appreciate that, thank you."

Sirius jumped to action, grabbing a large napkin from a nearby table of the cafe they were taking tea in.

"The layout is really very simple," Sirius began. He raised his wand and drew a straight line along the centre of the napkin. "This line represents Diagon Alley, the main High Street of Magical central London, which is where we are now. You can find shops of all kinds down here, as well as a few cosy cafes like this one if you fancy a rest. But, if you want to get a little more specialised, there are other options for you to explore, too.

"If you head to the Central Plaza, about half way down Diagon, you will find several other streets branching off, like the spokes on a bicycle wheel," Sirius began, indicating the location on his line with a glowing square. Then he began drawing more lines attached to the first. "This one, at the dead centre, is Knockturn Alley, and it's one you want to avoid without a chaperone. It caters for the darker and dicier side of sorcery and you'll find nothing but unpleasantness down there. The street next to it is just as unpleasant, in its own ways, as that one is Offish Alley, which is where our Government buildings are and where Magical society is administered from.

"The street on the far left, Klerik Alley, has some grand and ancient buildings, but they are the headquarters of the Trade Guilds and banking and financial services etc. Very dull stuff. Next to that is Immore Alley, which is my personal favourite, but it is restricted to over-18's only, so you can guess what sorts of establishments live down there.

"So you might want to stick to the right hand side of my little map. Innphorm Alley has some higher class cafes and boutique restaurants, as well as designer clothing outlets and salons, and at the very top you'll find a curve of quaint arcades that have become the French Quarter, which we call the Joan D'Arc. That leads into Fissick Alley, where our huge sports arenas are located, as well as where most of the recreation options are.

"And that's pretty much it. The Leaky Cauldron, a pub you probably know, is the main hub of the place and the best link between Muggle and Magical London. I have always told Harry that if we ever get separated here and he gets lost, the best plan is to wait in The Cauldron and Tom the old Innkeeper will look after him. I'd advise you to do the same, and Harry will bring Hermione to you at some point, assuming she manages to get him out of my stuffy old house."

"Thanks for the advice!" Catrin chuckled, pocketing the little map as Sirius handed it to her. "Thank you, I think I got all that. I think I'm just going to wander back along the street here, see what charms it has to offer. Thank you for the tea, Mr Black."

"Could I ever convince you to call me Sirius?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't quite worked you out yet," Catrin replied with a wry grin. "I'll let you know when I have. Good-day, Mr Black."

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