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By the time the train reached Hogsmead station it was already dark outside. Aurora waited till atleast half of the students cleared the train and Ginny waited with her. When asked she just said, "What are friends for?"
Within the time that spent on the train, both girls talked a lot about various things but it was mostly Ginny doing the talking and Aurora intently listening to her.

When they finally got off the train, they heard a booming voice; a man larger than Aurora has ever seen, stood at a distance shouting, "First years this way, follow me. First years."
They followed the voice of the large man and gathered with all the other first years .

"Right then. I'm Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds of Hogwarts. Now get on to the boats and only four in a boat." All the first years followed Hagrid to where the boats were located.

"So, only the first years have to travel in a boat?" Aurora questioned Ginny while getting on to the boat.
"Yeah. Apparently it's a tradition. All the others use carriages which pull themselves to get there. I just hope the boat doesn't topple over."
Aurora gave her a look as if to say dont jink it. Ginny just waved her off and laughed at her expression.

Aurora and Ginny got on the boat with two other girls who were looking at Ginny wearily, which Ginny gladly ignored. Halfway through the journey Hagrid told all of them to duck their heads. When Aurora lifted her head the sight in front of her took her breath away.

There stood Hogwarts in all it's glory. Glowing like the brightest star in the darkest night. A sight which put even the snobby rich pure-bloods in awe.
Why wouldn't it? Afterall Hogwarts is known for its beauty that could enchant the viewers, pulling them into a trance . All the muggle borns and half bloods especially, couldn't help but compare it to the fairy tale castle they heard about in muggle fairy tales, but this was much better than they ever imagined.

Upon entering the castle Aurora noticed professor Mcgonagall waiting to escort the first years inside.
"Good evening students. Now, before I escort you all into the great hall I would like to inform you a few things. You will be sorted into one of the four houses; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. While you are here your house will be like your family. Triumphs will earn you points and any rule breaking will loose the points . At the end of the year the house with most points will win the house cup. Now if you please follow me , we'll get you all sorted into your houses." With that said professor Mcgonagall turns and leads the students into the great hall.

The great hall was another sight which put all the first years in awe. The ceiling looked like a beautiful starry night sky and candles were floating in mid air. There were four long tables filled with students wearing red, green , blue and yellow colored robes indicating their respective houses. At the very front there was a table where all the professors were sitting down. On the table , as Aurora noticed, was the same man who she remembered seeing in Diagon Alley, smiling the same sickly sweet smile. Aurora grimaced seeing his smile. Ginny noticed her looking at him and said,
"That's Gilderoy Lockhart. He's here to teach Defence against the dark arts! Amazing that man I'm telling you!"
Aurora just gave her a half-hearted smile. She didn't like the sight of the man . Especially his oh so sweet smile.
Aurora looked around and noticed the bushy haired girl, Hermione Granger, sitting among the people wearing red. But the girl wasn't smiling at the first years like the others sitting at the table are. She looked worried and was trying to see behind the large bodies of the older year students sitting at the table of lions. She must be trying to find her friends, about whom she was talking to Ginny.

Professor Mcgonagall cleared her throat loudly and the Great hall fell silent. She brought a stool which had a really old-looking, battered hat , which was kinda dusty....But that's not it about the hat. When everyone's attention was on the hat , the rip near the brim which looked like a mouth opened and the hat started singing.

(I'm gonna skip the song because it's too long. I hope you guys don't mind😅)

Once the hat finished the song , the Great hall burst into applause.
"When I call your name, you come forth and sit on the stool. The sorting hat will decide your house." Professor Mcgonagall's voiced boomed throughout the Great hall once everyone stopped clapping.

"Anderson, Matthew."

The sorting was quiet for a few seconds then opened its mouth and shouted "Ravenclaw". Thus Matthew was sorted into the house of wit and cleverness.

Time skip:

"Whittle, Aurora". Finally Aurora's names was called and she would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She could feel her hands sweating. As she starts walking to the stool she hears Ginny whisper a quiet good luck and she thought she needed all the luck to not pass out due to nerves.

Once she sat down on the stool and the hat was placed on her head, it started speaking.
"Hmmm. Aurora.....Whittle, is it? Ah there's no need to even think where to place you. Only one house run in your blood. No space for any other house."
Aurora was now curious to know which house she'll be placed into.
Which house could it be that runs in my blood? And what did it even that only one house runs in my blood? Did the hat mean I only have qualities of one house??
"Ahh do not fret dear child. And yes you do have qualities only for one house. You are through and through a

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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