baby fever-T.Z

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Trevor's hand intertwined with mine, the warmth of his touch grounding me as we strolled through rows of vibrant pumpkins. We were there with our adorable nephew, Oliver, who was beyond ecstatic to pick out the perfect pumpkin for Halloween.

"Look at this one, Uncle Trevor! It's huge!" Oliver exclaimed, pointing to a mammoth-sized pumpkin that he could barely wrap his small arms around.

Trevor chuckled and hoisted the hefty pumpkin, pretending it was as light as a feather. Oliver giggled, eyes sparkling with joy as he tried to help his uncle carry the giant squash.

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but watch the two of them, Trevor's playful demeanor matching Oliver's enthusiasm. The way Trevor interacted with our nephew melted my heart. Seeing them together ignited a feeling within me, a longing for a family of our own.

As Trevor and Oliver ventured off to find more pumpkins, I took a moment to absorb the surroundings.

Observing Trevor playing with Oliver intensified my desire for a family. The laughter, the affection, and the natural bond they shared sparked an overwhelming sense of longing within me. I imagined our future, our own little one laughing and playing in a patch just like this, and the vision tugged at my heartstrings.

I joined Trevor and Oliver as they continued their quest for the ideal pumpkin, a smile fixed on my face, concealing the swell of emotions building within me. With every moment spent with them, my yearning for a child of our own intensified. The way Trevor interacted with Oliver, his eyes alight with happiness and adoration for our nephew, painted a vision of the incredible father he would be.

Picking out pumpkins turned into a game, Trevor making goofy faces as he pretended the pumpkins were talking, eliciting fits of laughter from Oliver. Their joy was infectious, and my heart felt impossibly full yet achingly empty at the same time.

Watching Trevor with Oliver, I felt a deep pang of longing for a child of our own, a yearning I hadn't realized was so profound until that moment. It was as though a dormant desire had been awakened, flooding my senses with the beauty and magic of parenthood.

As the day wound down, and we loaded our pumpkins into the car, I couldn't shake off the intense longing that had taken root within me. Trevor noticed the wistful expression on my face and pulled me close.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked, concern etched in his features.

I nestled into his embrace, gazing into his eyes. "I'm more than okay, Trevor. Today made me realize how much I want to start a family with you. I want moments like these, with our own little one."

Trevor's expression softened, a mixture of surprise and joy washing over him. "I want that too, Y/N. More than anything."

NHL & Umich ficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora