Izzie pours some water into a glass that Cristina is holding out.

"I came home to full on vomit drama. Apparently she dumped Derek and her," Izzie points to Cristina. "She's been sleeping with Burke!" Izzie then turns to Maddison. "To add, she hooked up with William."

"I knew that." George nods, turning to Meredith, having seen Cristina and Burke in the staircase and Maddison and Liam in the hallway. "So you really broke up with Shepherd?"

"I feel empty." The girl replies.

"Two hours of vomiting will do that to you." Izzie shakes her head.

"No, I feel empty." Meredith corrects.

"I feel annoyed." Maddison adds.

"You're lucky. I feel pissed off." Cristina tells them, sliding the door shut.

"DR. SHEPHERD." THE INTERNS watch as Burke and Liam approach Derek, while they were waiting for the elevator.

"Dr. Burke, Dr. William." Derek nods.

"Ah, we have an organ donor coming in this afternoon from Wilkeson General. We're having Dr. William be incharge of doing the harvest."

"Commendable, but-" Derek tries to say.

"In OR one at four." Burke tells him.

"I'm in OR one at four." Derek replies, as Liam rubs his forehead.

"That much I told Br. Burke, but-" Liam says.

"Your surgery is non-critical." Burke says.

"You can't bump me!" Derek tells him.

"You'll be first up tomorrow. As Chief I can." Burke replies.

"Interim chief. Bump somebody else!" Derek replies.

"You're in the OR we need." Burke insists.

"Why don't they do the harvest at Wilkeson?" Derek sujests.

"Small facility in the boonies. A duck in a box. We have the location, the airport nearby and the staff. Your surgery is rescheduled." Burke finishes, as Derek looks offended and Liam looks like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

The elevator opens and the interns get in.

"Mine's bigger than yours." Cristina smirks.

"Whip it out. I'll measure." Alex comments.

"Shut up, Alex." Cristina rolls her eyes.

"OK, STOP IT." Derek tells the Chief, who kept moving while Derek was trying to check him.

"See, I told you." Maddison tells the neurosurgeon. "He won't stay still for me to do the tests."

"Okay. Stop. That's it." Richard tells them.

"That is not it." Derek shakes his head, as someone walks in.

"How are you doing now Chief?" Liam questions, then notices Maddison and his face falls a little, while Maddison looks away.

"I would be better if I wasn't being treated like this." The Chief replies. "Come on, please, stop it. That's it."

"That is not it Richard. Hold still." Derek tries again.

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