Chapter 15: A Few Good Men

Start from the beginning

'Your underestimating yourself, Damon's humanity is you. Your the key Georgia, I know you don't realise it but your everything to him' Stefan says before looking back at the door.
'I'll see you later' he says before heading out the door leaving me super confused. What was Stefan talking about this key to humanity business, as if Damon was going to listen me when I went to the Boarding House.

At the Salvatore Boarding House

I open the door to the boarding house and straight away I can hear music coming from the main room to my right. I head up the stairs and as I'm about to enter the room I hear a girls voice.

'How do I taste?'
I feel my stomach squirm as I realise Damon was drinking from a girl but I step into the room. There were a bunch of girls in the room dancing with each other. The had bite marks all over their bodies and looked drunk as they walked around but they were clearly dazed from the lack of blood they had in their system.
'Oh, so much better than your friends. But shh. Don't tell them. They might get jealous' Damon replies. He's got a girl in a loose headlock and sensing me he groans.
'No. Buzzkill bob' Damon groans before looking up but when he see's me he raises his eyebrows
'Never-mind, it's the Little Princess. Greetings'
'Can we talk Damon?' I ask damon, wanting to get Stefan's request out of the way
'Yeah.' Damon says turning his attention to me but still dancing with the girls
'Without the tridelts' I say from the stairs
'Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of them. They're really good at keeping secrets' Damon says and I shake my head motioning for Damon to come towards me. After a moment though Damon breaks and comes towards me.

'Stefan and I are worried about you' I tell him
'You're worried about me. That's nice. Don't be. There's no need. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?Spent the last 145 years with one goal, get in that tomb. I succeeded. Granted, Katherine wasn't in there to be rescued, but why dwell? No, it's so liberating not having a master plan because I can do whatever the hell I want' Damon rants
'That's kind of what Stefan's afraid of' I say
'Well you can tell Buzzkill Bob to relax. I haven't killed anyone in-- too long' Damon says and I motion to the girls
'Then those girls?'
'Will end up in their dorm with headaches. Think they blacked out. Business as usual. Now why don't you tell me what Stefan wanted you to do when you got it. Spill it, Georgia' Damon says
'Stefan says there was a woman you may have known a few years back named Isobel in North Carolina at Duke'
'Stefan wants me to discuss a women in my past right now? Seriously?'
'Did you kill her?'
'Who wants to know' Damon asks
'I just wanna know if you remember anything about her'
'Oh, it's like a needle in a haystack to me Georgia'
'Well, think hard. It's important' I snap but Damon just sighs
'Nothing is important, not anymore. Great chat. I have to go and exploit some women in the name of grief. Which I'm sure Stefan understand' Damon says sadly and I can tell he really was heartbroken over this. He then walks away from me back to the girls and I knew he needed to deal with this a different way.

'I have no where else to be, why don't you return their girls to their dormitory and I'll keep you company' I propose, hoping that Damon would agree. At first he doesn't seem to want to leave the girls behind.
'Why don't you join us instead, it feels amazing' one of the girls replies and I roll my eyes. It most definitely does NOT feel amazing.
'I'd rather not' I reply and the girls just shrug before continuing to dance around the room.
'Damon-' I give the vampire a look and he groans before motioning to the girls.
'Come on girls follow me' he says and the girls happily follow after him. They all walk past me and head up the stairs. A few minutes later the girls all come back down dressed and head straight for the door. They walk out without a word and Damon appears at the bottom of the stairs moments later.

'Did you just send them out without any-'
'Relax Georgia, I fed them my blood and compelled them to travel back to their dorms, fall asleep on their bed and when they woke up they would forget everything that just happened' Damon tells me walking back into the lounge room.
'Good' I say before walking over to the couch and picking up all the empty bourbon bottles.
'What are you doing?' Damon asks
'Cleaning up, it's pretty gross in here' I say, motioning to the blood stains on the blanket and the empty bottles.
'I---ll help' Damon slurs and I look up to see him very much intoxicated from the drinks he had. He stumbles towards me.
'No Damon, I think you should sleep it off'
'NOooooo Geora, let mee have my fuun' Damon groans coming towards me. Damon grabs my shoulder and rests his head on it and it's fine for a second before it seems like he fell asleep because he suddenly becomes super heavy.
'Damon' I groan as I try to push his weight off me and onto the couch but as he was a super strong vampire, I fail and both Damon and I fall onto the ground with the vampire on top of me. I felt like my lungs were going to explode from the amount of weight I was feeling.
'Come on Damon' I groan before using all my weight to push the vampire off me and onto the floor. I sat up and looked down at him and sure enough he was asleep.

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