Chapter 15: A Few Good Men

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'Your dad kept everything from his medical practice--Records, logs, Old appointment books. I found an entry from the night you were born. Patient and a birth date. Isobel Peterson'

Jenna, Elena and I were talking about our adoption and apparently Jenna had found something. She opens our fathers old journal and shows it to Elena and I

'Do you think that's her real name?' I ask
'Pregnant teenage runaway? Probably not. First name, maybe. But where'd she get Peterson? Classmate? Best friend ? So I binged it. I searched for all the Peterson's in this area. Born the same year as Isobel, found 3--2 men and a woman, Trudie. Who lived in grove hill Virginia' Jenna tells us as she types the name into the computer
'That's not far from here' Elena says hopefully while I roll my eyes. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to know where I came from but there's a reason we were adopted, our mother didn't want us, so what was the point of trying to find her.
'Well, watch this' Jenna says before clicking on a photo

 'Well, watch this' Jenna says before clicking on a photo

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'Isobel. She was a cheerleader' I say and Elena just stares at the photo on awe.
'Trudie still lives there. This is her address' Jenna says handing Elena a piece of paper with the address printed on it.
'What about Isobel?' Elena asks
'I couldn't find anything about her. Listen. There's something else. Mr. Saltzman, Rick. His wife was from around here, and her name was also Isobel'
'Wait. "was," as in...'
'She dead.' I finish Elena's sentence

Not long after, Stefan arrived at the house and they went up to Elena's room together. Not long after I headed up to my own room and start packing some spare clothes ready to go on this birth mother journey with my sister.
'What are you doing?'
I turn around to see Lena and Stefan standing in the doorway.
'Packing, assuming we are going on this trip' I reply
'Change of plans, your not' Stefan says and I raise an eyebrow before catching on
'Oh, has this turned into a couple thing. That's fine, I didn't want to go on this trip anyway' I begin to unpack my clothes
'No that's not it, no one's going, it's to dangerous' Elena says, walking into the room with Stefan before he shuts the door.
'Umm guys, what's going on?' I ask them, super confused
'We need you to watch Damon for us' Stefan says and I chuckle
'Damon's a big boy, I don't think he needs me to 'watch him' I laugh but Stefan and Elena don't laugh.
'He's dealing in his own way but we're worried he know..' Elena suggests
'Kill someone' I answer and Stefan nods
'He always manages to keep a level head when your in his eye line so we just want you to go over to my place and just check on him'
'And not leave' I reply. Stefan nods
'So your asking me to babysit a 170 year old heartbroken vampire' I conclude
'Well it's not babysitting'
'It kinda is Lena'
'Please Gigi, he's your friend'
'Fine' I roll my eyes. 'Ill watch your older brother for you Stefan'
'Thank you so much Georgia, I promise I'll go looking for more information about Isobel'
'I can live without knowing' I call out to my sister as she leaves the room but Stefan hangs back. 'Look, I know you didn't want to go so isn't this better' Stefan says and I smile lightly, nodding my head.
'But when you go there I need you to do my favour'
'Can you ask Damon about a girl he knew at Duke in North Carolina with the name Isobel?' Stefan asks
'Did Damon know my birth mother?' I question and Stefan shrugs.
'I don't know but it is a possibility it didn't exactly end well'
'But why are you making me do this Stefan? Damon and I are friends I guess but why would he tell me that information'
'Because Damon trusts you, you mean more to him then you think'
'What are you talking about Stefan, Damon never does what I tell him to do, he just washes over it and after what happened last night, I don't think his humanity exists right now' I tell Stefan but he shakes his head.

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