The Demon

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I was training at night. I was alone fighting Droids. I destroyed all the Droids except one. It was the strongest one. I couldn't wait to finish it off.

The Droid charged at me. It jumped at me. It put it's foot out. I grabbed the foot threw it on the floor. It got up and headed toward me. He wound up and threw his fist forward. I ducked and moved quickly out of the way. I grabbed the metal wrist. As soon as I did Klarion and a few other Light Members showed up. I flipped the Droid to the wall. Klarion was in the way before it hit the wall. He had to duck and then the Droid hit the wall and fell into a million pieces.

Me- You should watch out. You could get hurt.
Klarion- Thanks, but I won't need it.
Me- Alright then.
Klarion- Why don't you battle me?
Me- Alright.

I got into a fighting stance. He chuckled. He said something I couldn't make out. Then a giant ball of fire came from him and shot towards me. I ducked and jumped up and kicked him. He went down but didn't stay for long. He shot we with red mystic magic. I yelped in pain. It was fake, he let his guard down and I struck him. He went to throw something but I caught his arm and threw him against his cat Teekl. He stayed down and Death stroke was clapping slowly from behind.

Me- What's your problem?
Death stroke- Well, you beat Klarion out of pure luck. It wouldn't be hard to beat you.

I smirked. I charged him and tripped him. He fell to the ground. And Savage and Cheshire started to snicker under their breath.

I went back to my dorm after that. I put on my favourite outfit. I put on a red top with a metal necklace that Egyptians used to wear. With it I put on black fingerless gloves. Also I had black combat boots, a mini skirt that's black and an orange leggings. The last two things were a headband with horns and a black mask to cover my eyes.

I walked out of the school and past the barrier. I was headed to Star labs to steal something. I could easily create it but it's more fun to steal it and inject into someone.

As I was in Star Labs, there were security cameras. I shot a device that would allow it to replay the same thing for as long as I want. Now I was in the lab where they're making the newest sirum. I threw a smoke bombs then knocked out all the scientist's. The sirums was in about fifty little bottle the fit in a gun that I designed perfectly. I took the sirum along with a hidden camera. I have tons that I designed but I don't want them to get suspicious. Any way, I know that the side kicks be here soon. I should probably go. I have school tomorrow.

I was running down an alley way when a bird a rang was coming at me. I moved out of the way and it hit the wall. I stopped and smiled to the shadows.

Me- Come on, I know where you are. I have exellent eye sight.
Aqualad- We will not take that chance.
Me- Suit your self.

I threw a fire bomb at the shadows and a circle of flames surrounded the team. M'gann fell to the floor. I chuckled seeing her in her greatest weakness. I took out the sirum and the button (like a button you press to make something happen.) And loaded the sirum into the gun I had. I shot six of them at the heros. The heros fell to the ground, unconscious. You see that sirum loads Micro probes into the person's blood. Then the switch is a detonator. When I press the red button on top it will make the micro probes explode, killing the host body.

I went back to my dorm room. It was quiet. Too quiet. I changed quickly into notmal clothes. Then I turned on the lights. No one was there but I could feel someone watching me. I took out my dagger.

Me- Who's there?!
Voice- Just me.
Me- I can't see you! Show yourself.

I held the dagger tighter. Then I relaxed a bit. I concentrated on my aura. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I could see who was there. It was Klarion.

Klarion- I will not show myself.
Me- Klarion, I can see you. My senses are above a normal persons. So with concentration I was able to see you.
Klarion- You're no fun *smirking*.

There was a flash of light. I could now see Klarion with out concentrating. I smiled. Then his eyes widened like he just realized something. He then looked kinda worried and anxious. I walked up to him. Then he smiled and laughed. I was weirded out, completely. I backed up getting something. I got the TV remote and turned on my TV. The news was on and Cat Grant with the Super Brats. They seemed stressed out.

Cat Grant- So you had a run in with the notorious thief, the Demon?
Robin- We did. I don't remember all of it but the last thing I remember is Her saying "Suit your self." Then she threw a fire bomb. That's all any of us remember.
Aqualad- Right now, what she stile is our biggest priority. She stole mini cameras and a sirum that could kill someone from the inside out.
Cat Grant- That's a major problem. If she used it on anyone she could have some serious leverage.
Kid Flash- That's she could but we will find and stop her.

After that I shut the TV off. I guess that sirum was a big deal. No matter, all cameras with me in it were deleted when I came back. Klarion looked at me and smirked.

Me- What's that smirk about?
Klarion- I don't know, I just have a feeling you did something.
Me- Well I couldn't. Not without permission if it was out of the school. In the school no problem.
Klarion- Okay, but I will figure it out.
Me- Figure what out? * Smirking*

He chuckled a little bit more. Then he disappeared. I was too tired to think. I decided to sleep. I was up late and I had school tomorrow.

I layed in bed looking up. I soon closed my eyes. Then I could hear rethink that wasn't mine. I opened my eyes and a pair of dark eyes were looking down at me. I grabbed my dagger and pushed the person by the neck to the foot of my bed. My hand and the dagger were at the throat. I was a little dizzy so I didn't see who it was. When I could see it was only Klarion.

Klarion- We should stop meeting like this.
Me- I agree. What are you doing here?
Klarion- I came to ask you something.
Me- Okay?
Klarion- I was hoping you would be my partner.
Me- Me?! Why not some one who has powers? Again. Me?!
Klarion- Yes you. All the members want to pick you. You may not have powers but you are the most powerful and you are brilliant.
Me- Okay, I guess I will your partner. It will be very fun.
Klarion- I like that attitude. Pack up we are going to leave next week.

Before I could respond, he disappeared. I smiled and layed back down. I know I have to tell him eventually but I don't know how. And it's not the Demon thing. I kinda want to leave this place but where will I stay? Where will I live? I guess I have to figure it out when I get there. I finally fell asleep thinking.

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