Let Me In, I Know You Need Comfort (Part 1)

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Pairing: Z/G (Father-daughter Relationship)

Ziva David/Leroy Jethro Gibbs POV (Third Person Omniscient)



In separate incidents, Ziva and Gibbs each show up at the other one's door but the other doesn't want company and they try to change the other's mind. In the end, they were glad that they stayed


It was a tiresome week for Ziva, Tony was annoying, the preps were egotistical, the cases were tricky and nonstop. It was extremely physically and emotionally draining. And finally, after a long week that felt like an eternity, she had the weekend off.

She had gone straight home from NCIS headquarters stressed out when Gibbs had announced their release from work and stacks and stacks of paperwork. She was soooo tired. She had barely gone home the past week.

As she ate the last slice of leftover pizza from the fridge on her couch, she decided she was going to wallow alone in her feeling of sadness and gloominess. Staring at the blank ceiling of her living room, she felt empty and incompetent as she contemplated if she was actually useful in the world of gruesome crimes. She was spiraling.

She couldn't actually prevent victims from hurting, they all get hurt one way or another, including herself. She could only wait for something to happen to some innocent person before she could jump in and clean up the bloody messes damaged people make.

She felt like the clean-up crew to catch perps after something horrible happened. The pressure from the outraged media and paper-pushing bureaucratic agents from above the food chain who don't know what it actually feels like to come up empty-handed solving infuriating crimes and who don't understand how much stress it was causing the agents who were doing all the leg work.

She didn't know how to keep going anymore, she couldn't do this anymore, she couldn't live like this anymore. What was the point of living anyway if there was so much pain and hurt? She thought for a second. But if not her, who else was going to do her job? All she could do right now was wallow in self-pity. And that was exactly what she planned to do for the rest of the weekend.


It was almost midnight, she lay on the couch mindlessly staring at the starch-white ceiling feeling empty as a hole from the middle of her heart threatened to swallow her whole. Suddenly, there was a knock on her apartment door. She wasn't expecting anyone tonight, who was looking for her at this ungodly hour?

She tried to block out the noise and ignore the knocking and wished whoever was on the other side would just disappear so she could continue to wallow in peace and silence. But there it was again, the knocking. It just wouldn't go away.

"Ziver, I know you're in there." A rough calm voice came through the door. It sounded like Gibbs. Was it Gibbs? Only he would use the nickname he so uniquely gave her, only reserved for him. It was Gibbs.

Slowly, the brunette rolled off the couch and walked toward the door, dragging her feet. Opening the door, she was surprised to find Gibbs standing in front of her. He had shown up at her apartment unannounced.

Gibbs looked at Ziva, still in her work clothes too tired to change out of, her curly hair draped down her melancholic face. "Hey, Ziver." He gave one of his rare smiles, greeting her. His agent had seemed down and stressed during the week and because of this (and he loved her like a father) she was definitely on his mind a lot recently so he decided to check up on her.  

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