[Heart's and Brain's Argument]

And then here I am 2 months later and we never really talk much. But there were times when he feels comfortable talking with his friend whom became my friend too, I feel like dying . Just his presence, it's enough to make my heart beat like crazy. But I know my limits, I know that I have to calm down so I did. I hid under my hood because I feel like my cheeks are burning. I can't believe that this is something I can't even withdrew with myself, like. AHH! Please stop!

My poor heart...

So I did my self a favor and distract myself. And this took me a while. Because it's been September 16 I fell and I don't know how did I even fall for him. I think about him everyday and that's unusual for me, like how? How did I even fall for a guy like him.

He's just an average boy, but then he's also really good with other people like being friends with Ate Angel and Tristhan. And also he's just our class president and what's worst? He's 3 years younger than me and I can't even believe in myself that I fall for someone like him.

[Me, Brain, and Heart]

Age doesn't matter...

Yes it does!

But you won't stop beating for him...

I don't know! I just want to forget about him!

It'll be 4 months soon, will you be able to forget about him?...

Yes, if I have to.

You said "If"

Please stop...

You're turning red, hot, and numb? You're really in love with him... it's our first time to feel like this, are you letting go of this feeling?

You know what? Fuck you! I'm leaving...

Why do you have to talk her like that? We did this before and we should be doing this as one, and not argue like this.

Why don't she confess? At least our feelings are real!

Confess? You're making me laugh my guts out, (Heart). You're making it hard for us to even move on, not even our human is normal now. And besides, aren't you afraid to be rejected?

When is she even normal? She fell for a girl just before meeting her ex and then now no one in this world can make me follow the flow, our girl is curious and I can't forget about him. Please, can we have him? He's really something and I can feel like he's a good guy.

We do not do that... he's also a stranger.

But we'll decide what to do... we are brain and heart after all, we should be followed.

No. That is Pride over love and Selfishness, (Heart). You just want him because you want something from him and it's not normal. Remember when you reject her Best Friend?

We both value friendship and what? I do not love him and I want something from him? Girl, you are turning numb for imagining him and I keep beating for him because he's a very unique guy, he can take care of us and our girl.

But even if it's unreasonable to even feel, we can't help but fall harder right? I mean we're not even close with him, so why are you finding this hard to even move on? We can leave it like this 'til we can move on.

Because we know we can't have him...

We can only love him from afar...

You see how afraid our human is? That she can't even let you and I decide...

Because she is afraid of getting both of us hurt...


Yeah, but that's still not what we want. Is there something wrong with that guy? Our human is very much attach to this feeling and it's growing a disease in you and I feel like I'm being affected as well...

Bitch, we can't even ask her because she also doesn't know. So what in the name of one sided love are you on about, (Brain)? You stupid or something? I only know that I'm the only who's stupid and you are supposedly not...

I can't even think properly now, he's clouded my room.

I just want to find something to fit in, because I've become fat from Cess's feeding that I can't even fit in my most beautiful dresses and this cage is almost getting smaller.

But her food is full of sweetness! I can't even resist!

Can you please just stop eating?

I can't! It's been awhile since I've eaten and haven't felt this empty before.

Brain: 🤦‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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