Chapter 2

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By: @vintage_frootloop
Descriptive/creative writing
Title: The door

The Elegant Gateway glistened in the sun, a scent of honey enveloped the air. A faint whistling sound sprang from the Gate, Light shimmered in the air like fireflies.

Crickets danced in the freshly cut grass. I can still see the hills towering in the distance like giants, faraway seeming like ant hills.

My gaze returns to the entrance, the beauty of it draws me in with a hypnotic pull. I reach forward slowly, I grasp the handle lightly and turn, my breath caught in my throat.

The ground shakes, my hands tremble as a sharp sting echoes through them.

Light seeps through the cracks outlining the Gateway, It tickles the air around me. Energy catches onto the air like fire, biting at the grass and blazing around like a tornado.

The sweet aroma of honey, The blue sky dotted with cotton candy clouds, now gone. A mere fantasy as I look around this entirely different world.

All alone. I can't hear anything but a harsh wind whipping my hair around. I can't see the crickets. There's no fireflies, No birds soaring in a gentle breeze with their melodic tune.

It's a prison. You're drawn in with the tranquil lights, the sweet scents, The promise of something superior to the landscape around you.

It's dead quiet. A sinking feeling of dread explodes in my stomach.

It's empty of nature and life, with the exception of a decaying tree that's twisted around the Entrance.

There's no vibrant colours dancing and swaying, only lifeless grays. It's dark, empty, and blank.

What I would give to be back where I was just 5 minutes ago. To see the elegant night sky, with stars dotting it like angels.

My hands slide over the Gateway, I can't feel the familiar spark that it would usually give me. I bow my head in defeat, exhaling deeply with sorrow lacing my breath.

I long for the pure beauty my eyes once fell upon, the grace, the little dainty flowers scattered across the grassy hills.

Dull and lifeless leaves now garnished the ground. The only thing I can associate with this place is a graveyard, Dead, and cold.

a ringing sound booms in my ears, It echoes in my head, bouncing off the walls of my skull.

The ground sways, color's mix in my eyes and I can't see clearly. Everything tumbles together with a crash while tiny pebbles shoot through the air like bullets.

My eyes dart around trying to piece together the sudden objects flying towards me.

An unclear object rushes towards me swiftly, my breath is caught in my throat. I feel frozen.

That's when a faint glow startles me from my alarming recognition of my new fate. I glance up, The hazy glow had turned to a luminous blaze.

With no hesitation I seized the handle on The passage, I turned my wrist and the Gateway swung open.

A sheet of light painted the air ahead of me. It was the sun, with rays of glittering light beaming through the heavens.

I step forward hastily, a mossy welcoming mat below my feet. I savor the Comforting Warmth that consumed the atmosphere with a hug that overflowed your soul.

Although I can't help but glance at the Entrance.
The captivating pull I once felt, is replaced with a striking awareness of what it really is.

I shudder as a lifeless feeling trembles through my body.

A butterfly delicately settles on my nose, I smile delightedly as It flutters away.

I guess not everything is as it seems.

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