Fake death 2

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Hiccup p.o.v

"Fishlegs break it down" I said as I needed information on the Red death but theres not much to go by so Fishlegs is my best choice "okay heavily armored Skull and tail made for passion and crushing steer clear of both small eyes large nostrils relies on smell and hearing" Fishlegs said as they were doing Circles "alright Snotlout Fishlegs hang on its blind spots make noise keep it confused Ruff, Tuff find out if it has a shot limit make it mad" I said as they were the best choice to make anyone mad "that's my specialty" Ruff said as Tuff seemed a little bit unimpressed "since when everyone knows I'm more irritating" Tuff said as he flipped himself upside down

"Just do what I told you I'll be back as soon as I can" I said as I began taking control and went to the ship Toothless was in

As I finally spotted him as he flew low as I let Astrid take control as I jumped down to the ship "go help the others" I said to Astrid as she nodded as I began taking off Toothless's chains

Small time skip

After constantly trying to get Toothless out of his chains a log nearly crushed me as I saw the Red deaths foot hitting the ship we were on as me and Toothless fell into the sea as I was still trying to break him out as I didnt take in too much air

Before I could do more I felt my lungs running out of air and everything fading to black

I then felt a hard tug on my shirt as I was being pulled from Toothless as when I resurfaced I heard someone gasping for air but who could this be as I felt being thrown into the ground as I looked up but it wasnt who I was expecting it was a large man with a short tied up beard wearing a black hoodie "who are you" I asked as he then turned around as he dived into the water

Normal p.o.v

Meanwhile the man was in the water he grinned hes teeth using the strength he had to free Toothless as Totohless grabbed the man and went to the surface as Toothless dropped the man and landed on a rock as Toothless nudged at Hiccup that they needed to go as Toothless nodded "thank you stranger" Hiccup said as he didnt recognize the man as Hiccup got on Toothless and took off into the air as the man looked up in the air to see the boy riding the Dragon and the other Dragon riders as well as he saw the boy how he was leading them and came up with an idea

As for Hiccup once he was back into the sky he saw his friends were taken down as he saw Astrid and her dragon about to be eaten a loud screech could be heard "NIGHTFURY GET DOWN" A random Viking shouted as everyone ducked as the Red death was about to Eat Astrid as Toothless aimed at The Red deaths lower jaw causing an Explosion and causing Astrid to fall of her dragon as Toothless circled back and managed to grab Astrid by her feet "did you get her" Hiccup said as Toothless looked down to see he managed to catch her as he let out a Gummy smile as he flipped her over and made her land on solid ground as Toothless and Hiccup flew away "Go" Astrid said as she had a worried facial expression as Hiccup looked down on the Red death "it has wings alright let's see if it can use them" Hiccup said as he continued to ride in the air as Toothless began diving down using his momentum as once he got close to the Red death he managed to fire at it, knocking it to the floor but after a few seconds the Red death summoned its wings "I think that did it" Hiccup said as he saw the Red death beginning to fly as Toothless and Hiccup began maneuvering eachother going through some rocks but the Red death crashed against a few

As everyone watched in amazement seeing Hiccup keeping up with the red death "who is he Brother" one of the peoples with the hoodie said as the main one wearing a Black hoodie had his arms crossed as Dust blew against him "him he will be a new member for the League" the man said as he watched the boy fighting against the Red death "Alright Toothless time to dissapear fly up" Hiccup said as Toothless nodded as they began flying upwards into the dark clouds as the Red death looked around but lost track of the Nightfury only to be suddenly hit by a blast onto its wings as Toothless did the same strategy over and over till the Red death got fed up and started shooting fire all around as it managed to burn Toothless's tail that Hiccup made for him "alright times up let's see if this works" Hiccup said as they revealed themselves to the Red death as they began pencil Divinv as the Red death followed in pursuit

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