The Girl who could See

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The dots.

They fill my vision.

Like little, miniscule, semi faded micro dots.

Every time I've described them to others, they always say "oh, sun spots?"

The answer is no.

These little dots move.

Create patterns.




And every single thing I see are monsters.

Monsters of my own imagination? ghosts? a foretelling of what's to come? or a secret world hidden away?

Hard to tell.

All I know, is that what I see varies.

Sometimes it seems like ghosts.

Other's monsters and my fears.

My life isn't bad.

Dad isn't around, and fuck him.

My mom tries her best and did a fucking good job.

My mom's boyfriend, a bit mean and stern, and a few old fashioned ideas, but otherwise he cares.

I have friends.

Weird and inappropriate ones, but I love them.

So why do I see these dots that make up my vision.

They are always around, just easier to see when I'm focusing on them and it's dark.

Well, I figured out what these moving and vision making dots were.

And I hated it.

And so did the people that died.

The moment the visions started appearing in my nightmares, is when things went to shit.

Bad thing after bad thing happened.

It was class,and all I heard were gunshots.

There was so much blood, so many screams, so much violence.

And I had already seen it in my nightmares.

When I got home,I didn't feel much.

I never did.

Except with my friends, but even then.

We got a week of no school, but that didn't make up for the 13 people who died.

One of those people was my friend.

A dark thing to add to my life.

The death of a close friend.

The next thing to happen was my neighbor.

They suffered a fire that spread to the forest.

He died.

I'll miss him.

Mr. Lyra was a really nice man.

We talked a lot, played games like chess, and he gave me candy and invited my parents over for dinner.

He was like the grandpa I never had.

His burnt corpse smelled horrid.

Burnt flesh, blood, a mangled body.

I saw this in a nightmare too.

What was happening in my life!

Why are these things happening....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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