Chapter 3

37 3 0

{ 1st Person }

I quickly realize that I'll need to backtrack in order to find a way across the large pit. Sighing, I exit the room and look around the building. I make my way back to the entrance room of the kindergarten, and see that there's a closet I didn't notice before. It's most likely a janitor's closet, which probaly wouldn't have anything useful but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I try turning the doorknob but the door doesn't budge. If it weren't obvious enough from the keyhole, the door is locked. The place would get sued an unimaginable amount of money if some kid drank some cleaning supplies they found inside after all. I head to the front desk and begin rummaging through drawers to see if there is a key, but of course there wasn't one because I always have to be inconvenienced.

However, something I do find in the drawers is a bobby-pin. I remember that one trope in spy movies where a lock would be picked with one, and decided to give it a shot. I've of course never picked a lock before, so I struggled a bit. But to my surprise I managed to open the door, beginners luck or something. Execpt the luck is being able to do criminal behavior.

Inside the closet I find some average janitor things, but also something I deemed useful; a rope. It'd be tricky but I could throw one end to the other side of the pit, then try to tightrope my way across. Honestly a really dumb idea, but it was better than nothing so I headed back. I manage to get an end of the rope stuck on some railings that surrounded the pit, and tied the other end to some railings on this side to secure it. I then take a deep breathe it, then take a step forward.

I then remember I also do not have any experience tightrope walking so instead of walking across, I crawl across while looking like an idiot. I slowly inch my way to the other side, trying my hardest not to look down and shit myself in fear. When I make it to the other side I collapse in both relief and exhaustion. Who knew crawling on a rope over a massive pit would take so much out of you? Anyways, it seems that I was good for now. I just don't look forward to the trip back.


Author's Note; Sorry for the lack of updates! I have since expanded this AU which I am calling 'Garten Of Drugs' for reasons you'll find out later. Anyways I'm not that sure where to head with the story for I only got the beginning and ending planned, so everything in between is improvised. Hope you guys enjoyed, that is if anybody happens to read this mess lol!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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Garten Of BanBan Fanfic (I guess, I'm losing my sanity)Where stories live. Discover now