Chapter 1

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{ 1st Person }

Looking around the front desk I notice a panel with some buttons. I decide to press the biggest one and it ends up opening the main door. That was way quicker than I thought it would be. Looking around I see colorful murals on the walls of the kindergarten's mascots. I remember them saying how uncanny they looked and that when they grew up they would paint way better things.

I forget the thought and look around more for anything I missed. Into the cafeteria I see a cupcake placed on the table. It just so happened to be my favorite, chocolate flavored. I could heard my stomach rumbling and despite the food probably being expired I ate it anyways. If it was actually spoiler I would just puke it up later, I had experience with hangovers after all.

I started to feel a bit dizzy and immediately regretted my choices. But I have better things to do than complain about an upset stomach. Walking down the corridor I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye but I ignored it. Probably was some decoration or another one of those weird murals.

I went into what was probably a classroom with colorful plastic chairs seated at tables.  I remember this room from their first day at school and how I walked them to their seat. Walking over, I find the exact chair I was recalling. It gave me a sense of melancholy that I couldn't really describe. What was worse was that all the chairs has name tags drawn by the students placed in front of their spot at the table. Thing was that their name wasn't there. I looked on the ground but I only found crayons and pencils, so their name tag didn't just fall off.

The next room was an indoor play area. There was a sign at front telling kids to take their shoes off before entering, to which I rolled my eyes. I tried to take a step forward but I couldn't. I put that foot down and tried with the other, but it didn't work. It would be more work for the janitor to clean up the mud of my shoes so I just took them off.

The first thing I noticed was a basketball hoop but it was decorated like a birds nest. Next to it was another sign. 'Opila Bird lost her eggs! Throw them into the nest to win!' I take notice of some wires connecting the basket to the next door. Fairly odd design choice, like something out of a video game. To test it I put my hand in and the door opens. I try running but it closes before I get there, meaning it must be pressure activated.

I see on a nearby seesaw a blue ball. It was painted with spots of a lighted blue, clearly trying to mimic a bird egg. Not bothering to throw it in, I gently place it in the basket to which the door slightly opens. Guess I will need more pressure than that to fully open it.


Author's Note; For clarification, the protagonist's child is male but they go by they/them pronouns. Also I need a name for said kid so leave one in the comments and I might pick it! And the protagonist's name is just MC because yes.

Garten Of BanBan Fanfic (I guess, I'm losing my sanity)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora