Speaking of which, she hasn't said much about what's happening between them. After the party the other night I don't think I've seen them interact all that much, aside from a small conversation they had when the band come into the club Friday night. Granted, folio hasn't been over much lately. He's come down with a small cold he's trying to fight off before tour picks back up.

  "So, how are things with you and drummer boy?" I ask as she begins to run a spully through my eyebrows.

  She slowly raises her eyes to meet mine, her ivory skin glowing bright red at the mention of him and I can't help but smile at her sudden bashfulness.

  "We are good. Just fiends.. for now I hope" she admits, adverting her eyes away from me to avoid blushing even more.

  My heart swells for her, knowing that she is the most deserving person I know. I've never seen her so gitty about a guy before, it reminds me of a high school crush. Puppy love flourishing right before my eyes.

  "I'm happy for you both. Folio is really a great guy" I tell tell her as she directs me to shut my eyes so she can brush some eyeshadow across my lids.

  "He's sweet, but I don't really know how to be with someone" she admits with a sigh.

  She doesn't focus on my eyes very long, a few swipes of a brush and I can open my them to see her still blushing as she tries to play coy.

  "You and me both. But don't think so much, just let it happen. You both really do deserve to be happy" she keeps her eyes cast down as she fumbles in her bag, looking for something. I can hear her breathing pick up as I'm sure her heart is racing at the thought.

  "What about you and Noah?" She finally says, pulling her hand out to reveal a pink tube of mascara.

  "It's .. " I begin, trailing off as memories of the other night play in my head as soon as I see the balcony out of the corner of my eye.

  "Complicated?" She finishes for me and I can't help but laugh, that's putting it lightly.

"Yeah. And like always I have found many ways to complicate it further" i let out a sigh at the thought, knowing that I've probably made the two biggest mistakes I could of in less than a weeks time.

  "Marriage can be taken back"

  I can't help but snort at her comment.

  "Yeah but sex can't" I mutter lowly, not being processing what I am saying before it's too late and the words have slipped off my tongue.

  In an instant Mellie's eyes widen with surprise, her mouth falling open as she drops the pink tube from her grasp.  She stands there in silence, utter disbelief painting her face.

  "What the fuck. When did this happen" she finally says after a moment, stepping closer and all but yelling.

  "After my first night at the club. I came home and he had a whole dinner set up for me on the balcony as some kind of gesture to show me how proud he is. And then I fell, and he held me and it just kind of.. happened" I give her a brief run down, and this time it's my turn to advert eye contact as I feel my cheeks warm. I didn't plan on telling anyone about that night, but Mel is the closest thing I've got to a sister. My first true confidant in years, so I know my secrets are safe with her.

  "Oh and it happened on the balcony" I add in, standing up from the chair to fetch a cold water from the fridge.

  I hear her gasp from behind me, her heels quickly thumping against the ground to follow me the few feet I walk to grab ahold of the fridge handle.

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