the party

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*Y/n, Ian, Mandy, Carl, Lip have been invited to a party from someone in their
The bedroom
Y/n- Mandy what should i wear i have no idea. If i don't find something in a minute i'm not going.
Mandy- You're going. Carl is going *she nudges Y/n*, and plus you can wear something of mine or i bet V will give you some clothes.
Y/n- oh my god i forgot about your clothes *she slaps her head* I'm so stupid. What clothes you got?
Mandy- i have this mini skirt and v-neck crop top i think you would look sexy in. OMG WE SHOULD MATCH
Y/n- yess!! i'm so excited *she jumps up and down*
*Carl walks into the room*
Carl- what the fuck are you jumping around about? also what are you wearing tonight guys?
Y/n- I was jumping because i'm excited for the party i love getting drunk and also me and Mandy are going to match outfits.
Mandy- exactly getting hammered is the best! And there will be boys there to make out with *she smiles at Y/n*
Carl- Wait Y/n your going to be making out with other boys?
Y/n- what do you mean other boy-
Carl- i meant like boys.
Y/n- Well no i am not. The boys going are ugly so i'll pass.
*Carl looks at the floor*
Mandy- Soo i would like to get dressed so Carl leave please.
Carl- Oh right sorry.
*Carl leaves*
*they get ready for the party. Bring alcohol from the fridge and Ian, Mickey, Mandy, Lip, Y/n and Carl walk to the party down
At the party
*Everyone is drinking and dancing. Carl and Y/n are dancing together and Y/n is chugging vodka.*
Carl- Y/n slow down on the drinks. At this point i will have to carry you home. * he takes the vodka and swaps it for a beer*
Y/n- Carl stoppp. * she laughs* i'm not even that dunk, give the boddle back!
*she goes over to the table and grabs shots and takes them*
Ian- Carl let's go police are here. Get Y/n and i'll get Lip
*Ian finds Lip and Carl tries to find Y/n*
*eventually he finds her*
Carl- Y/n come on police are here. We're going home when we go home i'll make you a tea come on let's go.
*Y/n just stands there with a dull look on her face *
Carl- what's wrong? come on Y/n * he grabs her hand*
Y/n- i think i'm gonna be- * she throws up on the floor*
Carl- fuck! quick let's just go Jimmy is here i think. *he helps her run to the car*
Lip sits in the front and Y/n sits in the middle of Ian and Carl.
Jimmy/Steve- Carl, Ian make sure Y/n isn't sick if she is tell me to pull over.
Ian- Don't worry she's asleep on Carl
Lip- Remind us to never let her drink vodka straight again ever.
Carl strokes Y/n hair while she lays asleep on his shoulder
                        At the Gallaghers
Fiona- Carl carry her upstairs i'll change her. Just be quiet because Liam is asleep in my room.
Carl- Alright. Thank-you Jimmy for dropping us home.
Jimmy/Steve- Don't worry about it as long as you lot are good.
Lip- i can't even see straight i'm going to bed goodnight to all.
*Frank walks through the door*
Lip- Yeah i'm definitely going to bed to drunk and high for Frank right now
Frank- What do you mean? Whah the fuck happened to Y/n?
Carl- Vodka. Now goodnight everyone.
Ian- Goodnight. I'm spending the night at Mandy's to i'll see you tomorrow.
*Carl Carry's Y/n upstairs to the bedroom and Fiona dresses her into Carls top and some shorts*
Fiona- Carl lay down with Y/n she might choke on her sick so just lay in Ian's bed for tonight.
Carl- Okay i'll put the bin on the floor next to the bed. Goodnight Fiona
Fiona- Goodnight Carl i'll call you guys off sick tomorrow this one time. I can't believe i let you lot drink on a school night *she laughs to her self*
*Fiona leaves*
*Carl lays next to Y/n and admires her*
* Y/n wakes up in confusion where she is*
Y/n- what- where- Carl what's happening?
Carl- Calm down. Y/n it's fine calm down don't worry i'm here. I'm here. *he stokes her hair and she falls asleep eventually leaning his shoulder. Carl kisses her forehead*


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