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"And then... A single hand, reached up into the sky, blasting through the rubble and jumping out from beneath." Gasps echoed around the campfire, both adults and children having gathered one by one, now growing into a large crowd as all got drawn in by Akira's storytelling. "Luffy jumped out, and smiled in victory for Arlong and his crew were finally defeated and order had been restored."

Cheers echoed through the audience, making Akira laugh in amusement as her eyes scanned over all of their faces, all showing happiness and joy as their freedom was returned to them. There was much to rebuild around the village, but there was no doubt in her mind that they could do it, now more than ever.

As the story came to an end and Akira excused herself, she passed around people, many coming up and thanking her or expressing gratitude over what their crew had done for them. Their happiness rubbing off and fuelling her own, by the time she reached the table set up by one of the remaining huts, the smile on her face had grown even wider than before.

"I saved you a very special plate, my lovely." Sanji's voice reached her ears as she stepped up to the table where he was serving everyone with all kinds of delicious dishes he'd prepared for their evening of celebration. A small laugh escaped her as she thanked him for the full plate which he handed her. "You had quite the captivated audience."

"I was just telling them what happened, it's not that impressive." She pointed out in a modest tone, watching as he smiled over at her whilst shaking his head.

"You have a way with stories." He said firmly. "You could be a great storyteller one day." The tone of his voice, pointed and as if he were trying to suggest something else with the words, had Akira's brows furrowing curiously as she gave them more thought. But before she could try to clarify what he'd truly meant, Sanji was speaking again, his eyes now focused on the person who'd walked up behind Akira. "Ooh! Back for seconds? Must've liked it."

The teasing tone had Akira turning her head to look up at Zoro and his trademark bored expression as he pushed his empty plate towards the chef. "Yeah, it was okay." He said drily, making Akira roll her eyes almost instantly as she realized where this was going.

"That plate says different." She pointed out in a teasing voice, not even caring that it earned her a glare of her own.

"Gotta keep my strength up." Zoro said dismissively, as if that was all it was. But of course, he couldn't just ignore the pleased look on Sanji's face. "Even with your cooking. It's the least you can do, considering I saved your ass from those fishmen." That comment got him a certain kind of look from both Akira and Sanji.

"What? I saved your arse."

"You didn't even get your hands dirty." Zoro pointed out.

"At least I don't need three swords to prove I'm a man." Sanji quipped as he smirked over at Zoro while handing back the plate, all the while beside them Akira let out a heavy sigh.

"You two will be the death of me, won't you?" She asked with a sarcastic smile on her face as she looked between them before focusing on Zoro again. "And I do recall him quite literally saving your behind during the fight." She added on, giving his ego a swift knock-down as she patted him on the chest and made the swordsman groan out.

"You really should tell stories for a living. You're good at coming up with fiction." He retorted, making Akira burst out laughing. "Although, you might wanna get to it sooner than later or someone else will steal your thunder." He added on, head nodding in the direction of yet another circle of spectators, this time Usopp in its centre as he told his own version of the same story Akira had told.

With amused looks on their faces, the trio began to walk over to join in with the crowd as they listened to the sharpshooter speak. "But I knew I couldn't give up the fight, not with the fate of Coco Village at stake!" Usopp energetically jumped up to his feet while Akira stepped up beside Luffy on the edges of the crowd, slapping away his hand as he tried to steal some of the food off her plate.

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