U.S.J Attack and Ashido's Wedding Night

Start from the beginning

In still other sacrifices at planting time or in time of famine, the blood of the victim—animal or human—was let upon the ground and its flesh buried in the soil to fertilize the earth and recharge its potencies. Basic to both animal and human sacrifice is the recognition of blood as the sacred life force in man and beast. Through the sacrifice—through the return of the sacred life revealed in the victim—the god lives, and, therefore, man and nature live. The great potency of blood has been utilized through sacrifice for a number of purposes—e.g., earth fertility, purification, and expiation.

Izumi uses blood rituals a lot if she's of need of something making her to be careful and watchful of what she needs from the ritual fully. Once Iida got the other Pro-Hero teachers and they finished the remaining Villains before the police arrived and arrested the remaining Villains who are still alive before they saw Izumi fully just covered in blood as she kills her last opponent before she breaths heavily as she tries to calm herself down from the adrenaline rush that's in her body as this was way too much killing for her liking and she knows to not kill soo many people making her to be pissed off cause of this before she heard Toshinori walking over to her to hear a couple of words.

"Kill or be killed. Flei or fight'. Survival to the finish." Everyone heard her as Nezu asked how long she thinks like that and she just looks at him and then walks away as she jumps into the water to clean herself off of the blood making her to be clean of it and she dries off fast as the police can't arrest her at all since she's not properly in the system like her brother is as she keeps herself out of the system which will cause a whole lot of trouble for them as they don't know who she truly is at all ever thanks to both of her and Izuael's smarts once they were untied again.

Izumi gets picked up by an Cervello that she has made from KHR, but without a mask as she likes the one form Fate/Stay Night: Ultimate Blade Works in the Ferrari car that has Extreme Gear technology from Sonic Riders making it to be the only car in exists making many to be shocked as the illusion flies above the roads which's ten cars on top of each other below it as they went to get sorting things at the grocery store that they don't have at the house making them to hate this as they can't make their own flour without a flour mill.

They don't even have a permit for it at all to even make their own flour to bake or cook with. Nor grow sugar canes to make their own sugar since sugar canes makes brown sugar and they don't know how to make it yet. Izumi hates this, but it's nice to get out every once in a while making her to think on what kind of good deeds she'll need to do to remove the soo many bad deeds she has done today in U.S.J making it to be difficult for her to figure out on her own as she needs to figure this out.

Six hours later and her bad deeds are gone as she got many animals to the vets in Japan making a lot of her bad deeds to vanish thanks to this making her to wonder about Ashido, or should she say her sister, as Izuael would go nuts on her. Izuael is going to be getting her pregnant fast and making her to hope to anything that Izuael didn't go nuts on her when they get home as the Cervellos helped put everything away and then she trains with some who does marital arts as a guard in the household as some cooks supper.

Homunculus is a term for an existence created through an alchemical method to produce fully functional lifeforms from sperm and other elements without the use of a womb. Izumi made them to help look after the house as they can't do it all by themselves as it's too big as it's actually six more times bigger making there to be a servant dormitory for them as Izumi hasn't found a way to make a male one yet as her magic is flowing through them to keep them all factional and active which helps her out with her magic.

Izumi wonders if Mina's going to be upset with her or if she's going to be pissed off with her as she'll never see her family ever again. Izumi doesn't care as she never had a situation like this happened to her before nor has anyone in the family, so she'll never understand what Mina's going through right now with her being kidnapped and then married in one day. Izumi doesn't plan to think about it anymore as trains and wonders about school as she would need to focus on that more so than on Mina and her situation.

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