「Your Majesty, I suggest you enjoy both.」

Blogger's reply:「The dog slave campus network can't handle the two of them!」

「Imperial Concubine has become yesterday's news. Relying on the Emperor's favor, she has repeatedly brushed off his advances. On the other hand, the Award-Winning Concubine is young and beautiful. She even prepared a dog food snack lasting a full two and a half minutes for the Emperor. Her heart's devotion to the Emperor is evident. I dare to suggest that Your Majesty should choose the Award-Winning Concubine.」

Blogger's reply:「Well, I did sincerely love the Imperial Concubine in the past, but never mind. Let's go with the Award-Winning Concubine. This Emperor is truly a scoundrel.」

Director Yan: "..."

Damn it, why did he feel like he had been dumped by these young girls?

Indeed, the hearts of these young girls were made of transformers; they changed at will.

On Saturday night, the top spots on the trending list were dominated by [The S-Class Acting Awards] show. With a larger number of guests and longer airtime, the show easily garnered attention. Simply mentioning the names of Song Yan and Wen Li was enough to trend, and with their extended screen time, humorous plotlines, and abundant funny moments, there was no need to worry about repetitiveness.

Several trending topics were associated with Song Yan and Wen Li:

#Song Yan Wen Li Version of [The Twelve Prisons of the Ming Dynasty]#

#Unexpected Excitement in Small Mom Literature#

#Exquisite Ancient Costumes#

#Song Yan and Wen Li's Collaboration#

#Song Yan, Return Home and Talk#

Among these trending topics, some were paid promotions, while others were naturally driven by user interest.

In addition to these harmonious and joyful topics, there were also deliberately provocative trends, such as #Duan Hong Wen Li#.

During a previous recorded performance, Duan Hong first fired shots, and later, Wen Li counterattacked. Both sides didn't want to offend each other, so those parts were completely edited out. However, since there were many audience members present, the information was leaked.

People recounted the words spoken by Duan Hong and Wen Li, representing the "traditional acting" and "idol drama" camps, on entertainment forums. Low-quality, pixelated videos were also leaked. With the high popularity of the finale of the Acting Awards, this revelation quickly gained traction.

Netizens thought that Wen Li's fans would attack and occupy Duan Hong's social media accounts, and the "just passerby" individuals would use this opportunity to attack Wen Li and all other popular artists and their fans. However, Wen Li and her fans remained calm and didn't give any attention to this so-called trending topic.

Duan Hong was a serious actor with a good reputation, but he didn't have many fans on online platforms. Logically speaking, if he really clashed with Wen Li, his fans wouldn't be able to argue against Wen Li's fans.

However, this would undoubtedly have some impact on Wen Li's reputation. Popular artists are always at the mercy of public opinion, and even if Wen Li was in the right, no one cared about whether she was right or wrong. Once her conflict with Duan Hong was blown out of proportion, there would be plenty of "just passerby" individuals biased against popular artists who would speak up for Duan Hong. Her fans would speak up for her but would also be labeled as "mindless defenders".

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