The on-site staff and guests treated this as a normal interaction between celebrities and fans and didn't voice any objections. They were all watching the show. The host even deliberately asked, "With such high demands from the masses, how about the two teachers give us... hmm? A display of affection?"

"Kiss each other, please!"

"We've never seen you kiss before!!"

"Kiss, kiss, kiss! A deep kiss!!"

The host added fuel to the fire, but Wen Li instinctively couldn't agree. Otherwise, every time they had a joint appearance in the future, there would be no peace.

Wen Li's expression was clearly awkward. After all, she was a girl, it was normal for her to feel embarrassed and hesitant to take the initiative. The host turned to look at Song Yan.

"Teacher Song Yan?"

The man, who hadn't fully recovered from the awkwardness just now, raised the microphone and moved his lips. His Adam's apple moved up and down as he whispered, "We will talk about it at home."


"No, you can't!"

"If you go home, we won't be able to see it!"

Yu Weiguang laughed like a goose once again, and after laughing enough, he finally remembered that Song Yan was his student and he should speak up to help. He turned to the audience members who were teasing and said, "Enough with that. Can't you see that it's going too far?"

This segment had an explosive effect, but it couldn't delay the performances of the following guests. The host didn't dwell on it any longer and said a few words to ease the situation for the guests, then asked the two guests to take a break.

After stepping down from the stage, Wen Li could finally sit down comfortably and rest. But Song Yan still had another performance to do, a collaboration with Ning Junxuan, so he had to quickly change out of his wig and costume.

This was Song Yan's second appearance, and within a short period of time, he would be entering two completely different roles. The previous one was a cunning Emperor with refined dialogue, while this one was a fierce and silent righteous police officer with straightforward lines and intense action scenes.

Wen Li watched his entire performance without blinking, and when the director called "cut", a sense of pride surged within her.

Her taste in men was truly exceptional!

After the program recording was completed, Wen Li went back on stage to present awards to the winning students. Wang Miao and Ning Junxuan didn't win the championship; they received the "Most Beloved by the Audience Award" and the "Most Popular among the Media Award" respectively. When Wang Miao received her award, she specifically thanked Wen Li.

"I want to thank Teacher Wen Li for her guidance these past few days. It was Teacher Wen Li who summarized her own experience, combined it with her new ideas, and taught me. I hope I can perform better under her guidance, which is why we have the Little Fox Fairy today."

Wang Miao's words were eloquent, not offending anyone, and genuinely acknowledging Wen Li's contributions.

The guest presenting the award happened to be Duan Hong.

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