S1E4: Permanent Retirement

Start from the beginning

However, Ben wasn't paying attention, and was instead staring in awe at an old man who did an expert Olympic-level backflip off the roof and lands safely on the ground.

Ben: "Woah! Did you see that?!"

Gwen and y/n looks out the window, only seeing some elderly people walk by.

Gwen: "See what? The heat must be frying that pea-sized brain of yours"

The group has arrived at Vera's. Ben is the first to step out; he holds his hand up against the glaring sun.

Ben: "Seriously, why do old people have to live where its soooo hot!"

Gwen walks behind him and surprises him by spraying a water gun.

Ben: "Hey!"

She laughs and runs away. Instead of running after her, Marty's window catches Ben's eye. Marty is looking at him through it. He hisses at Ben, cracks his neck in all directions, and shuts the blinds on him.

Ben: "Huh, they really make you feel welcome here..."

Y/n: "don't worry. That's just Mr. Marty"

Max: "watch your cheeks, Vera's a pincher!"

Vera : "Max!"

Max: "Vera!"

Vera comes out and gives her brother a hug. When the hug broke, y/n ran up to her, and threw himself into a hug.

Vera: "it's wonderful to see you again y/n!"

Y/n: "you too auntie vera!"

They broke the hug, as she hugged, and pinched the cheeks of Gwen and Ben.

Vera: "I can't believe you're finally here! And look at you two, so grown up!Come on in! I can't wait to chew the fat with all of you"

They walk in, while Marty sneers at them through a crack in his blinds.

Ben: "Ugh, why do old people's houses always smell like somebody's cooking socks or something?"


To eat: a giant orange gelatin mold with brown and white bits. It sits on a plate, continuously wiggling.

Max: "Ooh, Vera, this is delicious! Now, what are these brown chunks in the mold?"

Vera: "Pork chops, and the white parts are cauliflower!"

Ben and Gwen exchange looks of disgust, as y/n was enjoying it.

Vera: "So, Ben, what have you been doing so far this summer?"

Ben: "Dealing with alien life forms"

Vera : "Ohoho, you!"

Gwen notices Vera's shelf and gets up from the table to see. Various frames and trinkets are on the bottom shelves, but the top shelf holds many taxidermied birds of different species.

Gwen: "Aunt Vera, is that a Stuffed Red-Billed North American Chickadee?"

Vera: "How perceptive, Gwen! And did you know the song of the Red-Billed North American Chickadee is actually-"

Gwen|Vera: "-a call indicating alarm or excitement! Brrrrrr!"

Ben, while they're all distracted, moves his slice of mold onto Gwen's plate.

Ben: "I am toootally stuffed!"

Vera : "Ben, would you like some candy?"

She brings him a bowl full of small brown pieces of presumably candy.

Ben: "Now we're talking!"

He delightfully shoots one in his mouth, pauses, and spits it out.

Ben: "UGH! Coffee? As a candy?! Is this some kind of joke?"

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