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"Meliodas." Celeste calls out, looking towards the door. "Hm? What is it?" Meliodas asks. "King and Ban are together right now." The Goddess informs. "Should we go check on them?" She asks, turning to look at the blonde. "Sure, why not." Meliodas shrugs. "All right. Follow me." Celeste says, walking out of the tavern with Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Hawk following behind. "Diane, come on." Celeste waves the giant over. "Where are we going?" Diane asks. "To get King." Celeste replies. They walk through the village until they find King and Ban engaged in battle. "Now for the last time..." Ban smirks, raising his hand, causing King to gasp. "Who the hell are you?" Ban asks.

"Bad Ban!" Meliodas says, bonking the sin upside the head with a mug. "Hey, Captain, could you butt out? I'm kind of busy here." Ban tells Meliodas. "What's the matter with you, think you can skip out on work?" Meliodas asks while King looks at them confused. "What's the matter with me? Some little punk I've never seen before came out of nowhere and started a fight." Ban shares, causing Meliodas and Celeste to look at the kid. "I mean, just look at what he did to my sweet threads!" Ban complains. Wings sprout from Celeste's back, and she flies up to King. "All right, someone better tell me what all this commotion's about." Diane says, walking over, she looks at King for a while, then gasps. "King!" Diane and Meliodas say in unison. "Tell me how that tiny creep's supposed to be King!" Ban shouts, pointing at King.

"Well, maybe he lost a little weight?" Meliodas replies, unsure. "A little weight? That ain't even the main issue here!" Ban shouts. "King, we came to look for you, and now you're here. This is incredible, I'm so happy to see you again!" Diane says with a smile. "My little Fairy, it's been a while." Celeste greets, holding her arms out for a hug. King, however, just stares at them and flies away. "Huh?" Celeste gasps, floating back down, frowning.


Back at the tavern, Ban prepared a meal for the children he found, and Meliodas held Hawk's ear, preventing him from getting the food. "Okay, everybody, dig in." Ban tells the kids. "That smells amazing!" Elizabeth beams. "Yup!" Meliodas agrees. "It's great, but we don't..." "If you won't eat it, I'm just gonna give it all to the pig." Ban cuts the boy off, causing Hawk to squeal in delight. "We're eating!" The siblings say, disappointing Hawk. "It's wonderful!" The girl compliments. "Come on, I need a taste!" Hawk cries. "It's the best I ever had! Thank you so much!" The boy says with appreciation. "It's time for some give and take. All right?" Ban asks, sitting at the table. "Now tell me everything you know about this 'Necropolis' place." Ban instructs. "What are you doing, Ban? Finding King was our mission. So there's no reason to go there anymore, right?" Meliodas tells him. "No way in hell that little punk is King!" Ban shouts. "Trust me, that's really him!" Meliodas replies. "I think he's a fake." Ban says.

"Nope, it's really him." Meliodas informs. "He's a fake!" Ban denies. "It was King." Celeste chimes in, leaning on the table. "No, he isn't." Ban continues denying. "So you guys are trying to get into the Necropolis, too?" The boy asks, gaining their attention. "That boy's asked us questions about it a lot. And he told me that he had to find it, no matter what." He explains. "King said that, huh?" Meliodas asks. "He told us he'd been looking a long time too." The kid goes on to say. "So, it's actually here in this run-down place?" Hawk asks. "No, but it's not far away." The boy replies. "Then, where is it exactly?" Diane asks. "The entrance to the Necropolis can be found here in this hamlet. But it's not a place that you can reach just because you want to." The boy shares, making Diane and Elizabeth look at each other. "Look man, riddles have never really been my thing." Ban tells him. "Oh, I get it. So, what you're saying is..." He reaches down and ties a plate with eggs and sausages onto a stick that's tied to Hawk's back keeping it away from him. "It's something like this?" He asks. "I don't think that's it." Elizabeth tells him. "So, it's like a grave that's normally hidden, right?" Meliodas asks. "It's not a grave at all. It's a land on to itself, a place where you'll find the spirits of those who've died." The boy shares.

"Are we talking about the afterlife?" Meliodas asks. "How can we reach a place like that?" Elizabeth wonders. "How can I reach this plate right here?" Hawk asks, trying to get the plate. "I think I get it." Celeste mumbles. "You do?" Meliodas asks, turning to the Goddess. "I think. Have you two ever gone there yourselves?" Celeste asks. "Oh no, of course not. All that stuff is just superstitious nonsense!" The boy dismisses waving his hands. "'If you share with the dead your precious memories, they will lead you where you want to go.' The man next door used to say that to us all the time. I'm sorry, but that's all I know." The girl shares. "That tip just paid for your meal and then some. Seriously, well done. Thanks a lot, Elaine." Ban says patting the girl's head. "Um, my name... My name is Ellen." Ellen corrects, and Celeste nods, understanding something. "Oh, yeah, I'm sorry about that, Ellen." Ban apologizes. "Well, I totally didn't get it." She sighs. "Now, eat. There's still food on your plate." He urges. "Right!" Ellen replies. "What kind of reason could it be, that Sir King wants to get into the Necropolis now?" Elizabeth asks, and Celeste sighs. "Personal reasons." Celeste simply replies. "Hold on, you know why?" Meliodas asks. "I do." She replies, looking away.


The sins, Celeste, Elizabeth, and Hawk walk through the town trying to find a way into the Necropolis. "Even if this Necropolis place actually exists, there's no way to get to the other side." Hawk points out. "Well, I guess all we have to do is die, right?" Meliodas asks. "You big idiot." Hawk insults stepping in front of the blonde. "'Share memories that are precious with the dead,' huh? If I could, when my mother died, I was too young to remember. I'd love to meet her." Elizabeth says. "Your mother was one hell of a woman I'll tell you that." Celeste tells her. "You've met her?" Elizabeth asks, turning to the Goddess. "Yup, we go way back-" Celeste is cut off by Meliodas smacking her butt. "That's enough." He tells her. "Ban that is so not your style!" Diane laughs, approaching the sin. "Hmm?" Ban hums, looking around, seeing many pink flowers. "What the hell is this?" Ban questions. "Celeste, Elizabeth, come here. Look at all these flowers!" Diane calls out to the two females. "Oh my, what kind are they?" The princess asks. "They're so beautiful." Celeste beams. "Who cares about a bunch of stupid old flowers? You can eat these things all day and they'll never fill you up!" Hawk chimes in. "That's because they're not made for eating." Celeste deadpans. The petals suddenly fly around, surrounding everyone. "Pretty." Diane says. "Hey, you guys!" The boy calls out, gaining their attention. "Be careful!" He warns them. "Huh?" Elizabeth hums and the petals swirl around them faster, blocking them from seeing outside.

"Hey, lady! Mister!" Ellen calls out. The petals stop swirling, and the locations change. They were now in a place with green skies and green crystals everywhere. "Captain. Mother." Diane says. "Look, you guys." Meliodas states. "Do you think it was my wish to meet my mother that opened it up and carried us here?" Elizabeth asks. "No, it wasn't you." Celeste denies. "Maybe it was my powerful longing for all the scraps I missed in my long and colorful life." Hawk says. "Not that either." Celeste denies. "My mind was totally blank." Meliodas states, pushing a finger in his ear. "Mine, too!" Diane adds. Ban looks to the side and suddenly bolts in a random direction. "Ban!" Diane calls out. "That's why." Celeste shares, pointing to Ban. "Hold it!" King shouts, flying after the sin. "King?" Meliodas questions. "But, how did he get in here?" Elizabeth wonders. "What the hell is going on?" Hawk asks. "I'm just gonna..." Celeste trails off, pointing in the direction the two sins went before running after them. "Celeste, you too?" Meliodas asks, watching her retreating form. "Captain, what are we supposed to do?" Diane asks. "I guess we'll run after 'em for now." Meliodas replies.

Ban jumps from crystal to crystal, and King flies above him, while Celeste run a few feet behind them. "You're not going to escape!" King tells Ban. "I won't let you get away from me again!" Ban tells someone. "I can't wait to see you again!" Celeste says. 


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The Captain's Second Half (Meliodas)(On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن