1. Untitled.

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My saccharine dreams were interrupted by a cold breeze which entered my room and hugged my body, opening my eyes.I stood up, stepped on cold floor and walked towards the casement to close it.That was when sweet and warm smell of roses danced into my room bringing in butterflies one of which sat on my nose and the others hovered around me. Chilly but soft breath of nature blew once again tickling my skin making me giggle.Windy air, green leaves and birds collabed together and made a melody of nature which penetrated into my heart and mind bringing them together.I felt as if someone whispered into my ears with euphonious voice and breathed out warm and cozy red roses. It had only been few seconds since I heard that mellow sound and craved to hear more when out of the blue the wind blew taking away the butterflies.Not being able to resist our parting, I swiftly wore my slippers and rushed out of my house to trail behind the ethereal creatures and follow them to their destination while trusting them to the fullest.They lead me to meadows where they mesmerizingly made a prepossessing coronet from flowers and honoured me with it.Not only that but I was endowed with a glimmering dress embellished with flowers and butterflies which was embroided with gold and earth's gifts. Fluttering creatures once again coerced me with love to go behind them and this time I was brought to a place still and peaceful than ever. There was a river flowing gracefully with its sparkling water which had a reflection of moon on its surface.Trees around the river concealed the place protecting it from outsiders.The mellifluous melody continued with the scent of roses, butterflies flew higher and higher in the air and disappeared leaving the glitters in the sky, a taste of bitterness and sadness behind. I was elated and entranced when My gaze fell upon the emerging fire flies from the dense turf.Although it was night and the moon was out, I could hear the music of beetles and insects which brought back sweaty yet heartwarming memories of summer.I strolled for some time by the river and later lied down on the soft dark grass facing the starry sky.The lustrous orbs adding to the beauty of the scary,empty ether.
Music amplified,aroma of blushing flowers creeped into my mortal form making me plumment in the abyss of love,tender feelings and tranquility.The rays of golden star lifts open my eyelids and I found myself on my comfy soft bed with a warmth of sun and greetings of chirping birds. Slackly I stood and walked bare foot towards my window once more. Unforeseen exposure to scintillating luminosity of the Sun watered my eyes and closed them shut, rubbing them I opened them again and gazed whole heartedly at the scenery in front of my brown lookers with a hint of pink. Breathing in the scent of blushing red roses I admired the view in front of me when a fluttering butterfly sat on my shoulder curving the corners of my lips.

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