A misunderstanding or something more..?

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Sergio was up in his room, tears leaking from his eyes. But why was he so jealous? Why just why..? They weren't even dating for gods sake! But.. it meant so much to him, so intoxicating yet so sweet at the same time. How.. how bittersweet.

It wasn't long before he heard a knock and the voice of Luka saying, "what's wrong Sergio? Please open the door, I'm concerned for you." It was quite obvious that Luka didn't think of his and Sergio's relationship as anything more than just 'friends' which made it all the more bittersweet. No answer came from Sergio as Luka became desperate he wanted to know why Sergio just ran off after they made eye contact.. "please Sergio, I just want to know why." Again no response from Sergio.. but now he heard sobs, his eyes widened as now he finally realised truly what he'd done. Luka heard a small creak and the door opened and Sergio stood there he looked.. fine? But now, it was luka's turn to be at a lost for words. "..what do you want Luka?" Sergio spoke trying to make his voice sound as tough as he could. "I'm sorry." That was all Luka could manage to say.. a mere 'I'm sorry.'

As silence filled the air, neither knew what to say.. Sergio extended his hands offering Luka a hug. Luka accepted the hug gratefully, his arms wrapped around Sergio tightly, unwilling to let go. The apologies just kept repeating themselves as Luka couldn't stop apologising. He felt sick to his stomach, his actions were now disgusting himself. How could he be so stupid? To let himself ruin his and Sergio's perfectly good relationship.. how didn't he realise earlier..? And all this time.. he was trying to fill a void that he knew only one person could fill, that person in fact being Sergio.

"Let's not dwell on this lukita." Sergio's deep and soothing voice snapped Luka out of his trance, he nodded in agreement just glad Sergio let him have another chance. The two stood there in a warm embrace that only they could provide one another.

"I kept trying to date others to get over you, I never realised.. I could've just dated you instead." Luka spoke his voice cracking halfway from the happiness and euphoria he now felt. "..I also didn't realise such a conclusion was possible.. but the unexpected always happens, no?" Sergio replied with a soft grin. "Te amo," "Te amo mi lukita, mi corazón."

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