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"At this point, your busted" Dan tells Henry as He steals money from his mom's wallet. 

"You dared me to do it" Henry retorts as he grabs a five dollar bill and three quarters. 

"I told you you owed me if you didn't do it" Dan defended himself.

 Henry drops the money and yells at his brother. "MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T THEN I WOULDN'T BE DOING THIS!" They hear their moms footsteps in view. They rushed toward the couch and sat on it. turning on the TV and acting natural.     

"I'm sorry boys but I have to leave for work." Their mom says. Dan's face forms a frown quickly. Their mom, Patty Torrez never stayed home for more that two hours a day. She always had somewhere to be. Henry found this suspicious. Dan on the other hand, was disappointed and furious. "Yeah. okay." Dan sighed and sunk into the couch. 

As their mom came out of view, they started to fight again. It didn't last long because their uncle Tony, walked in. 

"And what do we have here?" Their uncle dramatically gasped. 

"I told you! Busted." Dan whispered too Henry which received a glare from the other boy.  

"What were you doing" Tony asks 

"Nothing" Henry and Dan say simultaneously.  

Tony receives a call from his phone  and leaves the two boys again alone, hearing shouting in the background, He picks up his phone and a hologram pops in.

(Capitalized: O.S.S Manager. no caps: Tony)     



taking care of my sisters kids. i have personal problems too. 


haha. I'm on my way. 


Tony sighs and hangs up. He'd have to take Patty's kids to the safe zone sooner or later. He got into his car and rolled out. Patty might be mad at him for leaving, but its only for the best. 

(WITH DAN AND HENRY)          

They both heard the garage door open. They were home alone. Henry ran and grabbed Their dad's computer for the ridiculously large master bedroom. "I know you wanna play!" Henry taunted Dan with the computer that was almost in reach for Dan to grab. "wait" Dan said as he pointed to the TV.

There was a robbery on screen 

Henry stared. "That?" 

"No! not that! That! Dan swiped the TV. Revealing the heroics kids fighting off  one of Dan's friends from school. That was weird. 

"That's... isn't that Wyatt?" Henry asked. 

Wyatt Hernadez was Dan's best friend since second grade. Wildcard was now fighting him off. Was there something Wyatt was keeping from him? 

"Basic Maneuvers" Missy shouted as A Cappella, Guppy (who's older now), and wheels fighted off goons of Wyatt's crew. 

"UGH! You'll never beat me. Time has now... Glitched." 

Wyatt presses a button on his computer making the kids of the Heroics freeze in place The camera zooms out on the News, leaving two shocked news reporters. 

An arrow on points too under the carpet.  

Wyatt bangs on their window, smirking like a maniac. "press start" he says as he glitches out of view and three of his goons replace him. 

"Follow the arrow!" Henry shouts as he lifts the carpet to find a room with a ladder. 

"I think Mom is a spy!" Dan bellows as he climbs down the ladder. 

"ya think?!" Henry says as he jumps down from where the carpet used to be.   

The goons search for the two boys. After hope seems lost as for them, they call their boss using a hologram. 

"Sir, we can't find them"  The goons say 

"SEARCH HARDER!!" A voice that Dan thinks is familiar, shouts

"I WANT THEM HERE! BY MIDNIGHT!" the voice says as it zooms out. 

"Hello" A voice says in the room that Dan and Henry are in, making them scream.

It was.... 


I'm evil 😈 for the cliffhanger. 

Until next time ;) 

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