2: perfume allergy

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"Uh, hey, guys." he greeted quietly. "Uh, there's an old lady sitting in front of us wearing a crazy amount of perfume, and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies."

"Peters allergic to perfume?" Kassidy asked, her eyebrows pinched in confusion. "Does he need to switch seats with me?"

"Uh- he- he is allergic to perfume, yeah." Ned stammered, nodding his head. "It makes his eyes water, and he can't really-."

Mr. Harrison's head snapped up from the row in front of the girls, his eyes wide. "Peter has a perfume allergy?" he asked, causing Ned to turn to him. "I tell you from experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel the hives breaking out already. Kassidy, stand up."

"Peter can take my seat, I really don't mind-." Kassidy began, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Ned, take Kassies spot, Kassie, you take my spot." Mr Harrison said, cutting the girl off. "Peter, come on, let's get you out of there."

Kassidy gave Brad a tight-lipped smile as she sat down next to him. Of course she was going to have to sit next to the nose-bleed kid for 9 hours straight.

Kassidy watched as Peter followed Mr. Harrington to a seat farther back in the plane. She gave him a sarcastic thumbs up as he passed her.

"Hey, I got a dual headphone adapter if you wanna watch a movie." Brad said, holding up the adapter.

Kassie looked at the adapter before shaking her head. "Sorry, mine are wireless." she apologized.

"Oh, yeah, no problem." Brad replied, waving her off.

Brad flashed the girl a bright smile before putting in his headphones. Kassidy half-heartedly returned the smile, before turning her head and popping in her AirPods, trying to force herself to sleep so she would have an excuse not to talk to Brad.


The excruciatingly long flight had finally come to an end, and Kassidy couldn't have been more thrilled. She had been trying her best to ignore Brad, but every chance he got, he struck up a conversation with the girl.

Getting off the plane, Brad insisted on carrying the girls bags, even if all she had aside from her checked bag were two small backpacks.

Unable to locate her friends, Kassidy was forced to wait in line for security with Brad. As soon as they were on the other side however, Kassie bolted.

"I'm gonna go find my friends." she explained, scanning the crowded area. "See ya!"

Before Brad could bid the girl farewell, Kassidy had disappeared, desperate to find her friends.

It didn't take long for her to spot Peter standing next to the baggage carousel, his hair disheveled from the long flight. He was tapping his leg and looking around, his eyebrows pinched in nervousness. Eventually, his eyes found Kassidy, and his face immediately relaxed.

"Hey- here, I, uh, got your suitcase" he greeted, handing the girl her bag. "How was your flight?"

Kassidy thanked the boy and took her bag, before widening her eyes and giving Peter a "don't even ask" look.

"You know, I thought pretending to be asleep would keep Brad from speaking to me, but he would not leave me alone!" she rambled, falling into step with Peter as they left the carousel. "You really screwed up my flight with your perfume allergy, Pete."

Peter let out a nervous chuckle and shook his head. "Yeah, yeah, sorry about that." he smiled. "If it makes you feel any better, my flight next to Mr. Harrington wasn't much better."

Kassidy let out a small laugh at this, but was unable to get out a response due to Peter being pulled aside for a bag search, after one of the dogs had started sniffing at it. He told Kassidy to go on, before following a security guard to the side.

Kassidy tracked down MJ, who was currently being harassed by Brad as she exited the airport. Kassidy fed the boy some bullshit about needing to have a "girl talk" with MJ, which got rid of him for the time being.

"Glad to know I'm not the only one who seems to have struck his fancy." Kassidy smiled, falling into step with the taller girl.

"Oh, don't worry, he was asking about you." MJ said, sending the girl an amused smile.

Kassidy immediately stopped smiling, and gave her friend a death glare. "What did he ask about?" she asked, dreading the answer.

"If you were single." MJ replied, an amused smile on her lips.

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him that you had a bit of a thing going on with Parker."

Kassidy snapped her head back to MJs direction, and shook her head with wide eyes. "Why would you tell him that?" she asked.

"What, did you want me to tell him you're single? Give him more reason to bother you?" MJ asked, quirking an eyebrow up. "Besides, it's not like you don't want to have a thing with Peter."

Kassidy sent an elbow into MJs ribs, shutting the girl up. However, she couldn't wipe the smirk that had now taken over MJs face.

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