"Thanks," Mike nods, looking over at the hoodie. "So, how'd you and Diana meet?" Aella asks, leaning her back against the wall. "Stupid story." Mike dusts off with a shrug.

"Come on, I have time. Hit me!" She perks up and walks to sit at the dining table. He sighs and nods, looking over at her as he puts the plate in the fridge. "The hospital. She's one of Vanessa's sisters or cousins or something— I forget." He mumbles.

So she'd probably be as suspected. Blonde hair— maybe a carbon copy of Vanessa. Aella nods, looking over at him. "She babysits Abby now. Sorry I haven't called you over much, she's just kind of here." He shrugs.

There's a knock at the door. Aella averts her attention to it as Mike makes his way around the table and to the door. "Hey Diana!" He greets, cheerier than he was a second ago. "Hi Mike." A sweet voice greets from the other side.

She steps in quickly, and Aella is surprised. She's nothing like she imagined— the complete opposite. Curly hair that draws just to her shoulders, round lips and melanated skin made her jaw nearly drop. She really was beautiful.

She was short, a little shorter than Mike, and her sunflower tote bag was hanging off her shoulder, covered with a cream cardigan. Aella was wishing she'd gotten herself more presentable.

"Hi!" She greets, holding her hand out towards Aella. Aella stood up quickly and flattened her own light pink hoodie, hand opening to cradle Diana's. "Hi, it's nice to meet you," Aella smiles. Her hands are so soft as well, just like her voice. "Mike's told me a little about you." She nods.

"All good things, I hope?" She asks, turning towards Mike. He smiles and lets out a gentle laugh, nodding his head. "All good."

"Diana!" Abby yells from down the hall, running to the kitchen with a drawing in hand. "Look!" She holds the paper up so Diana could get a good look.

"Woah, you made me so beautiful," Diana laughs, picking up the drawing. "Thank you Abby." She smiles. "Yeah," Abby smiles, rocking back and forth before looking at Aella and gasping.

"Hi Aella!" She greets, hands wrapping themselves around the woman's midsection. "Hey, Abs." She smiles and pets the girls hair. "Can you paint my nails? Pretty please?" She grabs Aella's hand and starts to pull her.

"Oh, I can do it Abby!" Diana offers, putting the drawing down on the table. "No, it's okay!" She shakes her head, leading Aella off to her room.

Once they're in, Abby plants the woman on the floor and pulls open her drawer, taking out her pink nail polish. She sits in front of Aella and starts to point out what she'd like.

"I wan' white on this nail, and pink on the rest." She smiles, wiggling her fingers. Aella nods and picks up the pink nail polish, shaking it up to make sure it's well mixed before opening it.

"Why didn't you want Diana to paint your nails?" She asks as she pulls Abby's hand closer to her gently. "I like it better when you do it." Abby confirms, watching as Aella slowly coated her nails in the paint.

"I'm sure it's the same." Aella laughs. "Nope! I like the way you do it," She sighs. "I wish you still babysat me. Diana's cool and all, but I miss having you around," she mumbles. "I think Mike does, too." She smiles.

Aella's eyebrows raise. "Really?" She asks, eyes still directed to her nails. "Mhm. He likes Diana, but I'm sure he liked you more." Abby nods.

"What do you mean by like?" Aella asks. "Well, sometimes, when I'm supposed to be in bed," Abby starts, "I always see him wrap Diana with a blanket or something when she falls asleep." She further explains.

"Oh." Aella hums, cleaning off her thumb slightly. "But he used to use one of his own blankets with you. Said it was a better, warmer." She hums as Aella paints her middle finger white. "Really?" She asks. She never genuinely noticed.

✓ DEAD OR ALIVE¹ ──── mike schmidt Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon