She had spoken with love, strength and sincerity and Mathias had heard every word. He didn't answer right away, trying to convince his heart to curb this deep fear and doubt that was paralyzing him. He looked at their joined hands, seeing these rings on their fingers. These same rings making them the heirs and new lords of hell and demons. This vision of the rings brought back Mathias to a very personal thought which had had him on several occasions and concerning him and Hella. How many times had he dreamed of asking her to marry him? However, he had never dared or had the time with all that had been happening in recent years. However, he had very seriously considered this future with her, and wanted it to materialize. Hella was right. There was still hope, for they were still alive and ready to fight to decide their own fate. She needed him, like he needed her.

_"Now and forever, I will be at your side." was the answer Mathias gave, finally finding a hint of a smile and the sparkle in his eyes thanking Hella for having supported him.

The scarbie returned that smile, reassured and delighted to feel and know that her lover would not let fear dictate his fate. The fire demon and the metal doll were silent together for a moment, hugging each other tenderly. Their thoughts intertwined, both thinking back to the whole journey that had brought them here. They kissed tenderly, their hearts beating in unison with the same love that had held them together for so long now and had never wavered.

_"Look, if you need a little time alone, I would understand perfectly." Hella said.

But Mathias held her delicately by the hand, without saying a word but making her understand by his expression that he wanted her to stay with him in the room.

_"At this moment, it's with you that I want to be." he responded lovingly. "Without you and the others, I don't know what my life would have become and I absolutely do not regret the choices that brought me here. And if we are condemned to perish in this last battle, I prefer to share this last calm before the storm with the woman I love."

Hella was touched, smiling and moved by these words, then very slowly, the two of them came closer.

_"I love you too, Mathias." she sighed.

After kissing tenderly, the couple decided to enjoy this last night together while they still could, not knowing what the future would bring. Having taken off his clothes, Mathias was lying on the bed, watching Hella approach, she also having completely undressed and slowly crawling above the young man, both looking at each other with love and desire.

Their bodies touching, hugging, groping and warming each other, their lips met in slow, loving and passionate kisses. Carried away by excitement, Mathias laid Hella on the bed, finding himself on top of her and both continuing to kiss and grope each other with more and more passion. Then, as they both caught their breaths after all those kisses, Mathias saw Hella smile and even giggle softly.

_"What makes you laugh like that?" asked the young man, curious.

_"It's just that...despite the situation, I can't help but smile." she admitted. "When Mr. Lordi and Emily found me, I was just a miserable creature serving a madman who had taken me from my family. I thought I had no future, that I was doomed to nothingness. But ultimately I found purpose, a new family, and most importantly, I found what I never thought I could have: love."

_"It's the same for me." replied Mathias tenderly. "You are a crucial member of the Brotherhood, Hella, they are lucky to have you in their ranks, just as I am lucky to have you in my life. Despite all the hardships we have been through, I wouldn't change it for anything in the universe. We've seen so much together, and this is just the beginning."

Hella agreed with him, and more animated by their love than ever for each other, they began to kiss again, determined to make love as he pulled the blanket over them.

Rise of the Arockalypse (Second Lordi Saga - Story 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें