Big fight between sisters

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It's was the next day at school and galleria was already annoyed Rena with the fame going to her head and it's made the who school hate them. She wore a black dress with a jean jacket and her tennis shoes as her hair was s in a loose side braid as she was sitting board as galleria told the story over an over until she had enough and left.

She was shown at her locker looking at her accpents letter "what's got you down"Jason says leaning against the wall.

"Just galleria ever since the meeting she been on the high road to fame and I just had enough but my accpents letter came in yesterday and I have to choose between the college of my dreams leaving the cheetah girls making them hate me or I give up my dreams just to make my sister happy "she sighs closing her locker as she leans against it.

"I think you should follow your heart and if they can't accept that then they really don't care about you."Jason says as she sures a small smile with him.

She and the girls were sitting in the theater auditorium as many people were practicing for the talent show as they laugh at one of the comedy acts. Drenka then stands up with a smile" alright girls let's get this rehearsal started"she says as the girls get up but galleria had to start again"actually drink it I would like to rehearse our new song first "she says walking past but drinka stops her"no  honey you got to boogie oogie oogie through the number for your talent show "she says.

"Oh! Drinks you know we met with jackal on Monday right ? "She says as they girls share annoyed looks here we go again.

"Mmmhm I heard it through the grapevine"drinka says.

Galleria smiles"well he wants us to record our new song...on Saturday "she says.

Derek and mackerel Rush down"you're not doing the talent show"Derek says as galleria smiles"well you know I'm going to try my best to be there hey you know how these things go drinka "she says shrugging her shoulders.

"No I don't know why don't you tell me how they go"she says giving the girl a look.

"Wait a second drinka I thought you would be happy for us I mean you're the one who hooked us up in the first place jackal is just here you know to get our stuff out it's kind of like we already won the talent show isn't it right"galleria asked with a smile.

Drinka fake smiles"no not really but you don't know that"she says.

"Opportunities knocking drinka and I think you know better than I that once it's gone you just can't get back"she says as the girls share shocked and disbelief looks.

Drinka huffs a chuckle "right right you know what all I have is this school and you kids and my word and sweetie I always keep my word come on boys"she says walking past the girls with mackerel and Derek.

"Why did you do that galleria I Mean ever since the meeting you have been over the top I mean your not acting like my sister anymore!"Rena says stomping over.

Galleria scoffs"oh boo hoo and what do you mean we're sisters your adopted remember so you're not really family and plus your out of the cheetah girls we dont need bad vibes "she says as the girls mouths drop in shock.

Rena stands there with tears before shoving her as her as she runs off. She cry's running through the school as Jason sees her as he follows worried. She runs home as she slams her door locking it as she slid down crying.

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