1 | Avenge - Ghost [N]

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You sit and cry, curled up into a ball on your bed. It's late at night and you're in your room, your sobs echoing across your room. You cry of rage and of sadness, of shame and of doubt. You found out your boyfriend, another recruit within the task force, had cheated on you. He had slept with the "barracks bunny", which got found out rather fast as he was a loud speaker among his friends, boasting his infidelities as if it were a trophy. A trophy to hurt your heart, your soul. You had been together a year and a half, you thought you had something special with him but... apparently not.

You cried hard, punching pillows then hugging them tightly afterward, trying to squeeze out all of your emotions like a lemon. You just wanted everything to go away, to just cry it all out. It vibrated off of your walls but to your luck, you weren't the only one listening to your painful sobs.

Because in the room next door was your Lieutenant Ghost - as they called him - listening to your cries of despair, pulling at his heart strings. He leaned his head against the wall and could imagine the redness of your face and the puffiness of your eyes, the glossy coating that they'd have from the weeping you were letting out. He sighed, knowing he couldn't let you sit there and suffer.

He got off of the wall and exited his room, walking the short distance to yours and knocking firmly on the door. The noise stopped, you darted up and held your breath before you heard a raspy voice speak.

"Y/n, let me in. Now, please." he demands, an impatient tone running through his words, running to get to you as fast as he can to comfort you.

Your lip trembles as you clutch a pillow to your chest and walk over to the door, creaking it open slightly just enough to see the tall figure peer down at you with arms crossed. Your big eyes look up at him, bloodshot and wet. You bite your bottom lip to stop it shaking and hug the pillow tighter. He could obviously tell you've been crying, even if he didn't hear the sobs.

You try to speak up but get caught with the sob stuck in the back of your throat, clearing it before you try once more.

"Hello, is everything okay Lieutenant?" you ask quietly, tilting your head slightly.

He looks down at you and drops his arms to his side, putting one hand on the doorframe. "Let me in, tell me what's happened. And call me Ghost, it's okay."

You nod and step out of the way, him pushing the door open and quietly shutting it behind you. He walks over to your bed and sits down, peering around the room. You have tons of photos and posters on the walls of your room, a couple plants and some fairy lights on your bedframe. You had really glamourised your room for what a tight, bare space it was.

You take a deep breath before explaining how your now ex boyfriend had cheated on you with the barracks bunny of the task force, letting out all of your thoughts and emotions whilst tightly clutching the pillow to your chest and squeezing it every time you thought you were going to break. You told him that you felt completely unmendable, useless and incomplete. You told Ghost that you felt you had no purpose anymore, that your ex was the only one that would ever love you and that he was the only one that would've taken care of you. That your ex was practically your lifeline, your heart pumping the blood around your body.

He nods understandingly throughout and pats your back gently, caressing his digits to try and calm you down. He didn't divert his attention once. However, you could tell his demeanor changed throughout my vent. He got more stiff and the more you spoke horribly to yourself, the more frustrated he seemed with his brow furrowing and him fidgeting on your bed a lot.

As you were finishing up, you had plenty tear stains on your pillow and you looked up at Ghost like a lamb, wanting to follow him and desperate for some sort of guide. Without your boyfriend, you felt lost. Now, you had nowhere to go, so you looked at your Lieutenant, the person who you would initially follow.

"Just get some rest, l/n. You can miss tomorrow's early training, but be at the next okay? I'll excuse you." he said after a short silence of us just looking at eachother.

You nod and pout slightly, breathing shakily and blinking at him. He stands up from the bed and begins to walk to the door until he heard a small voice say something, just about loud enough for him to hear.

"Thank you, Ghost. I really appreciate it."

He turned his head and nodded at you, slightly smiling at him. You wipe my eyes with your sleeve as he opens your door, turning his head to say something more, but hesitating and deciding not to. He closed the door behind him and let his fingertips linger on the handle slightly, not knowing whether to say what he wished to. He ended up not doing so, walking away, but not to his room.

All Ghost felt then was rage. Who would hurt such a precious person? Why would someone even think about doing that? You circled his mind right then and there like a broken cassette tape, your sobs on repeat within his mind. They bounced off of him which only made more veins pop through his head, being invisible from his balaclava. His clenched jaw was as well, which was a good thing. He didn't need anyone wondering why he was so angry. No, all he needed to do was teach someone a lesson. And so, his boots echoed through the halls as he found your way to your ex's room.


You wake up from a slight knock on your door, a soft one but loud enough to alert you awake. You shot up from your bed and walked over to the door, still half asleep and a total mess.

You open it to find Ghost standing there, waiting. He nods and invites himself in, closing the door behind him. You turn around suddenly, not realising what's happening until he walks close to you and crouches down enough to level with you.

"Hey, how are you? Sorry to wake you at this hour." he asks softly, caringly. It's a first for Ghost, the ultimate killing machine, the coldest one of the task force, to be speaking to you caringly. Your eyebrows raise at his sudden change and you tilt your head.

"Yeah. I just needed some sleep. I'm still rather upset though. Are you okay?" you reply, drowsiness laced through your words, rubbing your dry eyes slightly. You wake up slightly more now and look at Ghost slightly crouched. Something... seemed off.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Just... let me know if anything bothers you or hurts you. As your Lieutenant I have to know these things." he states, rather sternly this time. "I also wanted to let you know that your ex boyfriend has been dropped from the force. Additionally with the barracks bunny, which I got from word of mouth."

It sounds like he's trying to hide something away, maybe a piece of information or an emotion. He seemed like he was only caring for his job role, that he didn't really care within a platonic way. Of course he didn't, he's cold. He shuts everyone out, like he always has done... right?

You nod. "Yes, Lieutenant. Thank you again, by the way." I smile at him once more which causes the corners of his eyes to slightly crease, posing a smile in return. He stands up with a soft groan and I can see his full body once more now that my eyes had adjusted to the dark. I trace his outfit, it being his training uniform but when I look at his hands, they're red. Blood red. As if he tried to wash something off fast and it left slight residue across them. He walked over to my door and opened it, nodding at me before closing it behind him.

Only there did I confirm that something was on his hands; the large handprint he had left on my door handle.

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