"Don't hold your breath, buddy." She muttered and Dani gasped in her direction "Sorry, but it's true." She winced and I shrugged "You really hurt her Lucas, it almost broke her." She whispered and I merely nodded

"I know." I said as I ducked my head "It's the biggest mistake I've ever made."

"You bet your ass it is." Dinah muttered

"Dinah!" Danielle scolded

"Okay, too harsh." She said, shooting me a soft smile, her fiancé only shook his head with a laugh "You better not do that to me or I swear when I die I will haunt your ass so hard you'll wish you were dead." She threatened and I smiled lightly "You want a small piece of advice?" She said, turning back to me "Give her time." She said "It's all she really needs right now, time to process that you're back and trying to mend your mistake; so don't push her."

"Thanks, Dinah." I said with a grateful smile, she winked subtly at me in return with a small smile "Means a lot, especially from you."

"Anytime, Lucas."


She was here. One hour later, she had finally arrived! With her boyfriend of course, but still, god I was so nervous! It was like every time I see her again it takes me back to high school, when we were in love. She looked amazing tonight; I still had to get used to her short hair though, but it really suited her.

"Hey, guys!" She said with a bright smile as she came over with her arm wrapped around her boyfriend's arm. God dammit. He looked like a damn Ken doll. She hadn't noticed me yet, since I acted like I was in a very interesting conversation with Greg and Jacob, which consisted on them telling me to just man up and talk to her. Yeah, like that was going to happen! "Lucas!" She breathed, a fake smile plastered on her face

"Hi." I murmured pathetically "Great party." I added and she nodded with her huge fake smile

"Thanks, I have them all the time thanks to the girls." She said as she flipped her hair with her hand, giving me a clear view of the huge ring on her finger. Oh, fuck. "Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded quickly, shooting a glance at the guys as they looked at me in concern

"Yeah, I just need some air." I said before excusing myself from everyone and ripping Greg's bourbon from his hands, taking it in mine as I made my way towards the huge sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony.

Figures, I mean, it's been seven goddamn years! I wasn't actually surprised to know that she was dating someone, I mean, I know what it feels like to be with someone as amazing as her, the guy is lucky enough to have gotten the chance to take the next step with her; all they need is that stupid paper and she's lost forever.

I looked at the drink in my hand as I swirled it around absentmindedly since I hadn't really planned on drinking tonight. But what the hell, right?
"Are you okay?" I heard that beautiful voice behind me ask, causing me to go weak at the knees "You've been out here for more than ten minutes, I was starting to think you had jumped." She said jokingly and I scoffed with a laugh as I set my drink down

"That was the plan." I said with a sigh, she eyes me warily before laughing

"Glad to see you still have your sense of humor." She said and I chuckled

"Something like that." I answered and then looked down at her and was blinded by the ring; how could I have not noticed that before? "Some ring you got there." I said with a sigh, she glanced at it and smiled softly as she played with it

"Yeah..." She whispered "it's bigger than what I expected...." She said with a slight laugh and I chuckled dryly "What?" She said and I shook my head

"It's nothing." I said as I picked up my drink again and swirled it around, not daring to take a sip

"It must be something." She answered lightly "Otherwise you'd tell me." She said with a smirk and I shook my head with a laugh

"I was just surprised when I saw it." I whispered "Really surprised."

"Why?" She asked and I shook my head

"It's stupid." I said and she raised her eyebrow at me questioningly "I just... I always thought we'd get married someday." I whispered "I never pictured you marrying someone else." I whispered, barely audible

"Oh." She whispered and I chuckled

"Yeah." I winced "But I'm glad you're happy." I said with a sigh "You are happy... right?" I said and she nodded with a small smile

"Yeah, I am." She said while nodding softly

"Good." I sighed "You deserve it." I said softly "I hope he knows how lucky he is." I said and she giggled slightly

"He does." She whispered, looking out to the horizon with a soft smile, but she then turned to me and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "We should get back inside." She said softly "I have to give a speech, so..." She muttered and I
nodded with a soft smile

"Let's go."


Picture of Zac Efron on the side as Greg Carter.

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