Chapter 2

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Aisha awoke in the middle of the night, full of hope and longing for Tahajjud prayer. She made a passionate petition to Allah in humility and sincerity, asking for something she had been longing for a long time: a righteous spouse. Her remarks were impassioned and sincere as she begged Allah to send her someone to remind her of Him.

"Ya Allah, please give me someone who reminds me of you," she pleaded. Please, Allah, make him my naseeb if he is not already. If he doesn't love me, Allah, please put my love in his heart. Ya Allah, if he isn't good for me, please make him good for me. Ya Allah, if he is not mine, please make him mine in this world and the next. Ya Allah, if he does not respect me, please make him respect me."

Her wishes were clear, and she was particular about the attributes she desired in a future spouse: "Ya Allah, grant me someone who can change my life forever." Allah, provide me with someone who loves me for Your sake. Ya Allah, please soften my family's hearts so that they can accept him and bless our marriage if he asks for my hand in marriage."

Aisha desired not only someone who would love and appreciate her but also someone who would bring her closer to Allah. "Ya Allah, grant me the opportunity to marry the man of my dreams, a humble Italian man with beautiful blue eyes and an attractive face," she begged. Ya Allah, provide me with someone who prays and can lead me in prayer five times a day. Allah, send me someone who will bring me closer to You."

Tears streamed down Aisha's face as she prayed to Allah, her heart heavy with longing and hope. She was appealing to Allah to grant her the virtuous marriage she had been hoping for, and her tears and words showed her emotion.

While she wasn't aware she was crying at first, her tears demonstrated the depth of her faith and her earnest longing for Allah's response. She knew Allah was the All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and Bestower of Mercy and Blessings, so she persisted in her requests with tenacity and vulnerability.

Following her supplications, Aisha read important surahs such as Suratul-Fatihah (The Beginning), Suratul-An-nas, and Suratul-Furqan verses 77–78. These surahs were precious to her, and she believed they had the power to help her earnestly pray to Allah that her wishes would be granted.

By reading and repeating these surahs, Aisha was reinforcing her faith in Allah's might and design for her life. She realized that even if the answer to her prayers did not come immediately or in the way she had wanted, Allah was with her, and she had to trust him and His wonderful intentions.

The early morning hours of Ramadan were tranquil and serene in Aisha's home. The soothing glimmer of the moon illuminated the calm surroundings as Aisha sat in her room, immersed in her supplications and daily dhikr.

Aisha was deep in her spiritual practice when she heard a faint but distinguishable knock on her door. Her mother, Maryam, then softly summoned her to the basement to fetch Sahur. Maryam was a devoted Muslim who had always placed a high value on performing Islamic rites, particularly during Ramadan.

Hearing her mother's voice and the sound of her footsteps as she made her way to the kitchen gave Aisha a sense of security. She knew her mother had most likely prepared a nutritious supper for them to enjoy, one that would keep them going during the fasting day ahead.

Aisha could smell scalding hot tea and freshly cooked oatmeal blending in the air as she walked down the stairs. A soothing light lit the kitchen, emphasizing the beauty of Maryam's cooking.

They sat calmly, appreciating the significance of the pre-dawn breakfast and savoring each bite. The sounds of sips from cups and spoons clinking against bowls filled the room, all while the couple fed their spirits with Allah's memory.

This was a special moment for Aisha—a time of spiritual refreshment and a reminder of the importance of faith and family. And while Maryam watched her daughter eat, she felt pride in the lady Aisha had become, inspired by her devotion to Islam and the direction she had received along the way.

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