Season 4: Part 4

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Suddenly we hear Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Jeremy and Tyler coming inside the boarding house.

Everyone is shocked to see the condition of the living room.

Damon makes a sarcastic remark about Stefan and me making out roughly.

Listening to this Stefan gets more angry and punches him and says how could he do this?

Elena says Stefan

Before she continue Stefan harshly replies to her that this is between my brother and me. No need to interfere.

Elena was hurt hearing that.

I was like what else did she expect.

Damon says what did I do?

Stefan says the day I broke up with Elena, you slept with her. You both got together.

Everyone was shocked hearing that.

Elena says Caroline you told him

I say that I would if you don't tell him within 2 days. I thought you did but you didn't and Stefan was questioning me what I want him to know, so I told him.

It wasn't your business Caroline says Elena

Stefan's my best friend, so it is my business, I say.

Stefan says how could you Elena?

Elena at least has decency to look ashamed.

She tries to touch him but Stefan says don't touch me with your filthy hands.

She steps back and is shocked, doesn't know what to say or do.

Damon says Stefan

But Stefan shows him his hand and said that you are not my brother. I can't be in the same house as you. Caroline can I stay with you?

I say of course, you more than welcome.

We leave the boarding house.

At my house

Stefan was in deep thought and I sat beside him.

I asked him to let it out, it will help.

He begins to cry and I hug him and bring his head on my lap.

He continues to cry bitterly and went to sleep. I watched him all night.

Next day

Stefan woke up and was shocked to see our positions. He begin to apologise for not letting me sleep. I say no need to apologize, you needed me.

Stefan feels grateful and smiles. I say let's freshen up and go to animal hunting. You need to feed.

After freshening up we went to the forest so Stefan could feed.

At school

Stefan got his schedule changed and he matched it with mine. He didn't want to be with anyone right now other than me.

Stefan and I were sitting on a separate desk from Elena and her gang. They were continuously staring at us.

Rebekah came to our table and she asked what is up with Stefan?

Nothing I say and we continue to study for our exams.

Rebekah says something is up with Stefan? It's almost as if it's ripper Stefan. Why is he throwing daggers at his precious Elena Gilbert?

Hearing that Elena Gilbert stormed right away at our desk followed by her gang.

Can't you mind your own business Rebekah? No one wants you here? Why don't you get lost? Says Elena

Rebekah begins to laugh and says that I could just compel you all to tell me.

Stefan says Elena and I broke up. And she slept with Damon the very same day.

Elena is shocked that Stefan told Rebekah and that too with such a menace.

Rebekah says broke up, slept with Damon the same day. How could you do that to Stefan your so called epic love Elena?

Then she compels Elena to tell the truth about what she feels with Stefan and then with Damon.

Rebekah I say warningly

She is compelled, she has to say the truth says Rebekah.

Elena says right now with Stefan it feels as if I am a broken toy or a project that needs to be fixed. But with Damon I feel free.

Stefan looks heartbroken

Are you in love with Stefan? Asks Rebekah

Elena says no, I am in love with Damon.

Hearing that Stefan leaves from there.

I say to Rebekah was that really necessary?

Stefan needed to know the true face of his Elena Gilbert.

I went after Stefan.

At my home

Stefan went straight to my home. I entered my home he sat in silence. I didn't know what to say to him. So I leave him with his thoughts. Sometimes it's better to let the hurted person approach you.

At night

Stefan was preparing to sleep on the sofa.

I told him we have a guest room. I can remove the stuff from there and you can sleep there.

He said no need to bother.

I say you are my best friend, it's not a bother.

He says what kind of stuff is in there?

I say it's a secret.

He says a secret that your best friend doesn't know about.

I say come on I will show you.

 I opened the door to reveal a freakishly clean and organized room, stocked full of stuff. The closet was packed with clothes and nice dresses in vacuum sealed bags, the walls were lined with bookcases, file cabinets, and storage cupboards. There were labels on everything and a desk with every sort of office supplies ready at hand in neat little piles, perfectly straight and waiting to be used. There was a big calendar hanging on the wall with this month open, planned out and color coded and full of neat notes and plans.

"So basically this is your den of neurotic insanity,"  Stefan summed up

"Pretty much," I agreed

So I ask Stefan what he is thinking about since Rebekah compelled Elena to say the truth?

He says he can't believe that Elena felt that and said those things. I wanted to see her grow into herself and not hurt anyone. Was it wrong?

I say no, you were doing what she asked you to do. And Stefan you should be with someone who accept you whole with all your flaws and remain loyal and true to you.

Elena was none of that.

Stefan says I loved her a lot but she left me for my brother.

I say You are allowed to feel angry and betrayed even when it comes from the golden girl of this town Elena Gilbert and your brother. They don't get to dictate your life like this. Now, you are free of them.

Stefan says after a few minutes of silence that blonde makes the bestest best friend.

I jokingly say that so I am just your Lexi replacement

Stefan turned serious and says no, you are more than the replacement.

We both smiled and sleep - me in my room and Stefan in the guest room

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