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The moment I locked eyes with the girl with sapphire eyes, I knew was done for. 

 Because not only was she gorgeous and brilliant as hell but she and captivated everyone who she ever encountered. 

 The only problem was that she belonged to another... 

To his brother in fact...his twin. 

 The man everyone worshipped, the star of the family, and the town's golden boy. 

 Of course, the most perfect girl in the world would be Mated to his "Perfect Brother"

 He had just about given up all hope of a future with the girl of his dreams when he was presented with the perfect opportunity. 

 With the Chance of a lifetime... 

And all he had to do was obey her orders and cause a little chaos.

 A small price to pay for a lifetime of happiness. 

 A price he was gladly willing to pay if only to have her by his side... 


Book Two Release Date: January 1st, 2024

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