Chapter 1

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Nick Nelson P.O.V

*1 year later*

My foot bounces on the ground. Ive got to make a good first impression. I've never gone to a new school before- let alone one in a totally new country.  I'm already sitting in the back of the classroom, and I can't find anything more interesting than my shoes.

I clench my sweater tightly.  Right now my comfy clothes are keeping me calm. That's the only thing I'm looking forward to with the American public school system; I don't have to wear a uniform. I get to be as comfy as I want all day long and nobody looks at you weird for it.

(The fit)

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(The fit)

The classroom fills with more and more students until I inevitably hear the scrapping sound of the chair next to me being pulled out.

Okay, Nick. You got this. Take a deep breath and introduce yourself.

"Hi," I say softly looking at her as she takes her seat. She looked around slightly, almost as if she was surprised I was talking to her in the first place.

Nevertheless, she smiled slightly and nodded her head kindly in acknowledgment to me.
"I'm Nick, Nick Nelson," I say, holding my hand out for her to shake.

I take in her appearance. She has tan skin, and long brown hair. She is much smaller than me, shes only like five feet tell. She reminded me a little of him in that sense. Kinda fragile but in a good way. I think about the time Charlie and I went for a walk and then he cried about being tired until I gave him a piggyback ride the whole way home.

Stop it, Nick. Don't think about him. Not right now.

I notice the slight red blush on her cheeks and the tip of her nose as She accepts my handshake. I wait for her to introduce her name back to me, but she never does. Instead, she smiles slightly and looks down at her feet.

Did I say something wrong?

"You don't talk much, do you?" I can't help but continue the conversation. What can I say, I'm the new kid, and I need to make friends with somebody who can help me survive my year here. Someone to show me the ropes and give me a place to sit at lunch, ya know?

Before she could answer my question the teacher walked in and started telling the students to quiet down so he could take roll. Typical.


My next class is athletics, I'm not really sure what it entails but I assume it's some sort of pe class, so I head towards the sports complex. By the time I find the locker room most of the boys are dressed in athletic shorts and tee shirts with the schools emblem on it.

I didn't really know I needed to bring a change of clothes, but on the bright side at least I wore athletic-ish clothes today.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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