Chapter 3

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Currently Sona was waiting inside of the student council room in a cute date night outfit waiting for Anthony.

"How do I look Tsubaki?" Sona asked her queen who smiled

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"How do I look Tsubaki?" Sona asked her queen who smiled.

"You look beautiful Sona, it's crazy that Anthony knows about the supernatural." Sona nodded that was still something she never got to the bottom of.

"So some punk kid get to go out with Sona, that's seriously bullcrap I wanted her hand." Saji said in his head mad.

Knock knock

"Come in." Sona said and the door opened and Anthony walked in wearing a slack dress shirt and black dress pants and shose. His outfit hugged his muscular frame perfectly. Sona and the others blushed seeing him. "You look handsome Anthony." Anthony looked over to Sona and stopped as his heart stopped seeing her. "Oh god he is staring I must look weird." Sona said in her head panicking.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Sona." Anthony said smiling softly to her witch melted her heart.

"Awwwwww." All the girls said as Saji stepped in front of Anthony. "Oh lord." The girls said as he tried to look tough.

"What's up man, Anthony." Anthony offered her hand to Saji as he was taken back.

"H-Hi, Saji I am Sona's pawn." Saji said nicely much to everyone's shock. "I thought this guy would be a total prick from his appearance but seem like a nice dude."

"Oh seriously? That's totally awesome man, I see pawns as the greatest weapon in chess so your a keeper." Anthony said patting Saji on the back.

"Thanks man I appreciate that, a lot." Saji said smiling back to him as he moved.

"Are you ready Sona?" Anthony asked and she nodded her head.

"Yes I am ready to go." Sona said as Anthony offered his arm to her and she took it as the two walked out.

"He is incredibly nice." Saji said out loud as they walked out. "I thought he would be a total asshole but I guess I was wrong."

"Not every guy who looks hardcore is rude Saji." Tsubaki told the Pawn who nodded his head.

"Dude is super cool and his tattoos are awesome."

With Anthony and Sona

The duo went out and went to the arcade then went bowling then went to a local amusement park and went on rides and did a ton of things together. Overall this was the best day Sona has ever had.

"Are you enjoying the date?" Anthony asked Sona as they sat on a bench in the amusement park.

"Yes, this is the most fun I have ever had in my life." Sona said as Anthony smiled as his smile dropped when he looked past her and saw 3 men in cloaks who have been following them all day.
"What's wrong?" Sona asked Anthony looking back not seeing them.

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