Chapter 15: Feelings

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The cold night air wrapped around them like a familiar, chilly embrace as they stumbled out of the bar, their cheeks flushed and their laughter echoing into the night. The tequila shots they had consumed were gradually taking their toll, adding a pleasant haze to the edges of their senses. The world was a little more wobbly with each step they took.

Kunsel's excitement overflowed as he enthusiastically proposed, "Zack! Let's go hang at your place!"

Zack, feeling the warmth of the alcohol course through his veins, couldn't help but chuckle in response. "Yeah, okay. Let's do it."

They ambled through the dimly lit streets, the distant city sounds creating a soothing backdrop to their tipsy conversation. It was a calm and serene night, the kind where secrets and emotions were more likely to bubble to the surface. As the world seemed to sway around her, Cindy couldn't shake the feeling that there was something unsaid, particularly from Zack. Earlier, back at the bar, his demeanor had shifted, his normally buoyant personality giving way to something more introspective.

Their journey back to Zack's apartment was a blurry one. The world was a funhouse of wobbling buildings and giggling streetlights. One by one, they stumbled into Zack's apartment, a small haven of comfort in the middle of a bustling city. Shoes were quickly discarded at the doorway, the mundane concerns of the outside world forgotten in their hasty exit.

Zack, his movements more deliberate, switched on a lamp, its soft glow casting a warm ambiance over the living room. The room itself was a comfortable mix of organized clutter, a testament to the life of a SOLDIER. Stacks of books, posters, and a well-worn couch filled the space. It was a place where Zack could unwind and be himself.

Cindy, still under the influence of the alcohol, couldn't suppress her laughter as she took a seat next to Zack. Her newly green eyes sparkled with mischief as she playfully teased, "Kunsel, don't think tequila will make us forget about your girl troubles."

Kunsel, a wide grin on his face, joined them on the couch, his speech ever so slightly slurred as the alcohol worked its magic. "In two minutes, you'll forget all about it."

Zack's laughter resonated through the room as he relaxed into the couch, his sense of balance ever so slightly askew. He placed his feet up on the coffee table with an air of nonchalance. "He's got you there."

Cindy, feeling the camaraderie of their shared revelry, sat up a little straighter, her eyes locking onto Zack's. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes as she suggested, "We should give her a call before we forget."

Kunsel, perhaps the most intoxicated of the trio, responded with a mix of panic and amusement, his gestures frantic as if to prevent an impending catastrophe. "I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE DON'T."

As Cindy's laughter echoed in the room, their inebriated voices overlapping in joyous harmony, the idea of making a phone call became a hilarious and perilous adventure. The alcohol had a way of making the world seem carefree, a place filled with endless possibilities and humor. Yet, in their shared laughter, they also found a refuge from the complexities of their lives.

The alcohol had loosened their tongues, making them more candid, but it had also created a warmth that provided a temporary respite from their everyday responsibilities. In that fleeting moment, they could be just themselves, free from the expectations of the world.

As the night continued to envelope them in its comforting darkness, the effects of the tequila were in full swing, and the room seemed to spin with a drunken merriment. As Zack's mind wandered, he couldn't help but notice that Cindy was sitting rather close to him. In the midst of their tipsy camaraderie, he found himself wrestling with newfound feelings that had become difficult to ignore.

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