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The next morning:

Hayley opened her eyes, the room still dark, leaning to look at her phone, it read: 5:49 a.m.

What was wrong with her? She could barely sleep and her body felt hollow. Getting up, she went to the ensuite, and looked into the mirror, she had seemed paler than usual.

Running some scorching hot water, she stripped naked of her clothes, and entered the shower. She ran her fingers through her hair, her mind lost in thoughts, all was silence but the water hitting the shower floor.

“What’s the matter Little Wolf?” Klaus asked, breaking her out of her trance, his fingers trailing her stomach.

“It’s nothing…” she said, although he knew this was a lie, why else would she be up this early? And what has her mind’s focus to where she didn’t even hear him get into the shower with her?

After the shower, she dried her hair, as he stayed behind her, holding her against his toned chest. “Seriously, Little wolf, what's on your mind?” he asked once again, knowing that he wouldn’t give up asking, he gave in.

“Fine, Last night Jackson-” she started, but was immediately cut off.

“Whatever he said is not important, he will not lay a finger on you, you have my word,” Klaus said, and Hayley sighed.

“Klaus… that’s not it… He said something about a secret weapon, and you know better than anyone that when someone has a secret weapon they plan to use it, and sometimes the secret weapon is more powerful than you think,” Hayley said, and Klaus kissed her neck.

“Love, you know better than anyone that I always find out things, either the hard way or the easy way, and I can always use it to my advantage,” he said, and she smiled, having felt less stress now having told him.

“Can you hear them?” she asked lightheartedly.

Klaus focused for a while, but he soon picked up the soft fluttering of the babies’ heartbeats and his heart melted. “I can," he said astounded, it’s not like he hasn’t heard it before during scans or whenever he uses vamp hearing, but something about hearing it alone, just the two of them, with the compound quiet makes the heartbeats sound stronger.

“We should inform the family about Jackson, I don’t want to keep this to ourselves and end up having it hurt someone we love or one of them,” she said, and he agreed.

A couple of hours later, the family sat in the courtyard seating area, Cami had stayed the night so she was watching the kids, as the adults, + Hope & Lizzie sat and discussed the Jackson issue.

“Bloody hell, just when I thought we had no more problems,” Rebekah said, leaning against Marcel.

“We need a plan, and I’ll start working on spells with the help of Davina, Vincent, Hope, Lizzie, Mother, and Dahlia, and the knowledge of Kol and Finn to discover what this secret weapon may be,” Freya said, and the witches of the family nodded.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to help,” Bonnie said, standing off to the side.

“Well Ms. Bennett, who knew you would be wanting to help us Mikaelson’s out, of course you can help, we need all the hands we can get,” Elijah expressed, and Bonnie nodded to the witches and Elijah.

“I can help too,” Josie said, and Alaric cut in, “I have a collection of dark objects if channeling is needed,” he said.

“Me and Ansel can go work with the North East Atlantic pack and see what the Crescents are up to,” Keelin suggested and Hayley agreed to the suggestion.

“I’ll contact Josh and have him and Aiden inform me on what’s going on inside the Crescent compound,” Marcel informed and they kept on coming up with suggestions.

Cami offered her dark objects once hearing the talk of it all, and of course the vampires would be on fighting duty but also watch duty, each group had a vampire in case of emergencies.

“Well We’ll be more than glad to help,” Damon said, indicating him, Stefan, and Caroline.

“Well it’s settled then, Family witches alongside the help of Ms. Bennett and Josette, with the knowledge of Kol and Finn, and the dark objects from Alaric and Camille will use magic to try and discover the secret weapon, Keelin and Ansel will go alongside the North East Atlantic pack and snoop about the bayou, Marcellus will keep us updated with Joshua and Aiden’s investigations concerning the Crescent compound, and us with vampire abilities will be on high alerts for any fights, and to keep guard, and each group must have at least one vampire with them when exiting the compound for safety measures,” Klaus confided and everyone nodded or muttered their agreements.

“Alrighty then, I can’t wait to get my hands dirty once again,” Kol said with a smirk. 

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