The Princess and The Queen

Start from the beginning

Alicent said "I suppose you're right. Some things just are."

She touched Haelana's shoulder and Haelena looked at her and the Kingsguard walked in with Daenys and Aemond and said "Your Grace."

Alicent turned around and said "Aemond, Daeny, what have you two done?" and Daenys said "He did it again. I heard a sound and I just came over."

Alicent walked up to them and Alicent said "After how many times you've been warned , must I have you confined to your chambers. And you, did you sneak off to the dragonpit again, you are too young to do that alone."

Daenys said "Mother, there's no problem with it. I had no issue with the dragon, but I'm sorry I should."

Alicent said "And you helped him with this."

Aemond said "No, Daenys didn't do anything. They made me do it" and Alicent said "As if you needed encouragement."

Aemond said "They gave me a pig" and Daenys looked up confused.

Alicent said "A what?" and Aemond said "They said they found a dragon for me" and Haelena said "The last ring has no legs at all."

Aemond said "But it was a pig."

Alicent said "You will have a dragon one day" and Haelena said "He'll have to close an eye."

Daenys said "What does that mean?".

Alicent said "I know it" and Alicent hugged Aemond.

Daenys looked at Aemond and said "Who did the prank, I'll get them in trouble."

Aemond smiled and Alicent smiled at her and Aemond said "It's okay, Daenys." 

Viserys's Chamber 

Viserys was working on his model of Valyria and was showing it to Daenys and Viserys said "Alright, and what is this?". 

Daenys struggled to say the word in High Valryrian but was able to say it "Tower" and Eddard, the person who was helping Viserys with the model said "Well done, Princess Daenys." 

Daenys smiled and Daenys said "I'm sorry it took a while I had trouble with the letters" and Viserys said "Oh, no no you did a fantastic job, you are quite gifted at it." 

Alicent said "Daenys, be easy on yourself your only five years old" and Daenys said "Well, evry dragon rider should know High Valyrian" and Viserys smiled and said "And you will know many many words as you get older. Your already so good." 

Viserys smiled at Daenys and Viserys said "And you have a new nephew now, his name is Joffrey" and Daenys said "Does this one look like Rhaenrya or Laenor? Or does it look like a Baratheon too?". 

Alicent tried to hide her smile and Eddard looked up and Viserys said "What do you mean?". 

Daenys said "Well, Jace and Luke, they have dark hair, which runs with Baratheons, and Rhaenys their grandmother is half Baratheon." 

Alicent looked proudly at her daughter but smiled at her daughter's innocence and Viserys said "Yes, this one has brown hair as well. Joffrey his name is." 

Daenys said "It's a nice name." 

Alicent smiled and Alicent said "Viserys, They made wings for it, and apparenty, and a tail" and Daenys said "It's very rude, Papa, it's not nice to laugh, just because Aemond doesn't have a dragon, it doesn't mean he's any less cool or awesome. It's not nice." 

Viserys said "Well, your brother shouldn't have been so credulous" and Daenys said "What does that mean?". 

Alicent said "He's a child" and Viserys said "He thought they'd happened upon some wild untamed dragon and lured it into the dragon pit." 

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