And he was right.


On the other side of Konoha, earlier in the day, Kiba was sitting at his sisters grave with a very grown up Akamaru. Kiba had a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and he placed them down against the head stone. He reached forward and gently grabbed the stone, running his hand up and down the smooth stone. His eyes teared up slightly as he looked at the stone, reading everything on it.


Kiba sniffles slightly as he looked at Akamaru who had his head on Kiba's lap, whimpering quietly.

"I know buddy, I miss her too." He said lightly, and he then looked up at the clouds with a sad smile. "I miss you Kruno, more than you will ever know. I got you back, just to let you slip through my fingers again, I fucked up again didn't I?" Kiba spoke to the sky, rubbing his eyes slightly. "I'm going to see you again, and when I do I am going to hit you in the head, yell at you for leaving me, then hug you and never let you go."

Kiba sighed softly, before he looked back at the stone and stood up, Akamaru standing beside him. He smiled brightly at the stone, speaking as if he was speaking to his sister face to face. "I'll see you later, Kruno." He said before him and Akamaru went to go meet up with Hinata and Shino for training.


At the Akastuki base, Neji activated his Byakugan, and was horrified at what he saw inside. He didn't move, and first, he only spoke.

"The inside is rather wide and spacious, but..." He trailed off.

"But?" Naruto said, looking at Neji.

"I can't get a very good image of what it's like inside. It seems that there are some people in there..."

"Hey, what's happening to Gaara?!" Naruto exclaimed, and he began to shake Neji by the shoulders.

"Wait! I'm searching for him now!" Neji said angrily, and he trailed along the room until his eyes landed on the giant stone statue, that eyes moved around. "W-What is that?"

"What's wrong? Hey!" Naruto said, shaking his shoulders to shake Neji out of the trance that he was in. "What is it, Neji?" He asked, but the boy with the pale eyes just continued to stare at the stone in front of him.

"Let go. It's hard for me to explain." Neji said quietly, and Ten-Ten turned towards the stone before speaking.

"Which means.." But she was cut off by Lee.

"Which means we have to see it for ourselves, doesn't it?" He said, and Gai placed his hand on his students shoulder.

"Which is why I'll keep it short." He said before doing back flips away from everyone else, he said before he took off running towards the rock with his fist raised, slamming it into the rock so hard that it caused the area around it to shake, and Kruno to lose her balance and fall back, almost letting a scream pass her lips, but she covered her mouth quickly, she couldn't let them know she was here.

Gai's fist hit the rock, but his fist hit the barrier. "A barrier, huh?"


Inside of the rock, Pein sighed softly and began to speak to everyone. "It's gotten noisy outside, hasn't it?"

"It seems that they've made it here." Kisame spoke.

"Which group?" Deidara said, glancing around. "Was it the one that Master Kisame was holding up? Or is it..."

"It is both of them." Zetzu said.

"They made it here at the same time, however, it's unfortunate. They are a bit too late."

Konohas Traitors (Book Two Of The YASAD Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن