"Yes! Yes! Oh!" He called in glee as he detached himself from the ties holding him up and pinned, jumping down to the ground as he spun around happily. "Oh, it's so much better than I even remembered." His little display had Akira, Sanji and Zoro all looking at him with impatience and annoyance.

He rejoiced for a few moments before his spinning around finally had him looking to the trio again, realizing their attention was fully on him as the threat of the fishmen had been neutralized for the time being

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He rejoiced for a few moments before his spinning around finally had him looking to the trio again, realizing their attention was fully on him as the threat of the fishmen had been neutralized for the time being. Not that Buggy had any intention of waiting until that changed.

"Hey, so, um... I'm gonna get out of here!" He called, sparing a short moment to show them all his middle fingers before he spun around once more, this time running straight for the still open gate. "Sorry kiddos, I'd love to make things right but it's time to exit stage left."

"Fucking clown." Zoro muttered out, while Akira could only shrug her shoulders. She couldn't say his actions came as too much of a surprise considering she never expected him to actually help in the first place.

"How dare you strike down my brothers?!" A deep voice calling out had all of their attention turning to the last of the fishmen remained standing, only the pool of water separating him from their own group.

Akira recognized him as one of the two that had been with Arlong in Baratie. The one who'd attacked Zeff and fought with Sanji. "You won't be so lucky against the might of my fishman karate." He threatened deeply. And after that, he didn't spare a moment before diving into the water, moving through it quicker than any of them could react before he jumped out at them.

A large wave erupted around him, crashing into the trio, and sending Akira flying back to the ground while the fishman attacked Sanji with all his might. Groaning at the water as her limbs grew heavy and made it hard to rise back up to her feet for a few moments, Akira still shook her head as she noticed Zoro moving towards her. "Help him." She instructed, pointing in the direction of Sanji who helplessly lay on the ground with the fishman towering over him.

Accepting her instruction, the swordsman moved at once, trying to swing at the fishman only to have him block the blade with ease. Not even a scratch appearing on his skin as he continuously deflected Zoro's blows with his arms before finally managing to throw him through the air and to the ground further away where he landed next to Akira.

Having gotten his chance to recuperate while Zoro dealt with the fishman, Sanji tried to use the chance he had while the man's back was turned his legs swinging through the air as he tried to hit and kick the fishman only to be thrown off and pushed down to the ground along with the rest of them.

"You're no match for me." The fishman boasted. "My kicks can break a ship's keel." He proclaimed confidently as he stood over them, watching the group groan as they all started to push back up to their feet despite the pains and aches across their bodies.

"That's nothing. You should have seen Zeff's kicks when he found an eggshell in the Crème Brûlée." Sanji groaned out.

"I get it. Zeff was mean to you, boo-hoo."

"Shut the hell up, both of you." Akira brusquely quipped at them just as the fishman charged once more, his own legs slamming into Sanji's chest and sending him flying at Akira and Zoro's feet.

While Zoro charged at the man, Akira was quick to kneel down, placing her palm on Sanji's skin and trying to send energy flowing through her hand, but the remaining effects of the seawater making it slow and weak despite her best attempts.

"Nami's a fool to have faith in such weak compatriots." The fishman grumbled in an unimpressed voice as he sent Zoro skidding back again.

"You don't ever," Sanji grew angrier at his words, standing upright again as he proceeded to take off his suit jacket. "Badmouth Nami."

"Now you've done it." Zoro quipped, and Akira wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or if he was actually admitting Sanji did have fighting skill which was clearly about to come out as he charged at the fishman angrily.

Each blow was preceded by a word, some of which Akira had no hopes of repeating. Not that she intended to, or even focused on them too much as she watched the blonde now land blow after blow, each one causing more and more damage. "Mouton Shot!" He yelled out, his leg swinging around and smashing into the fishman's chest, sending him flying back and crashing into the stand behind him from where he didn't get up again.

"Mouton Shot?" Zoro questioned, his voice back to its usual unimpressed deadpan, as he sheathed his sword.

"All great fighters call out their finishing moves." Sanji's answer had Akira bursting out laughing in amusement as it reminded her of one of the first things she'd ever heard Luffy himself say.

"Yeah, you're gonna fit in just fine." Zoro announced, making the woman shake her head in amusement.

Her amusement was soon cut short as a loud screaming caught their attention, all turning to look at the gate only to relax as they spotted Usopp rushing through it with his slingshot at the ready. "Never feat, the Great Captain Usopp is... is... uh..." He quieted down and trailed off only once he realized there was actually no need for his heroic rescue. "Oh, you guys did pretty good in here." He noted in surprise. "Good job, guys."

The sound of crumbling and creaking had Akira's eyes turning up to the large building in the centre of Arlong Park, watching as bricks and stones began to fall from it just as Nami ran out of the entrance leading inside, a smile stretching over her face at the sight of them.

"Nami!" Sanji exclaimed happily, opening his arms as it became clear she was running with the intention of a hug as her own did much the same. Although it wasn't him she jumped at, but Zoro, Usopp and Akira, uncomfortably squishing them all together in her relief.

"You're all okay!" She exclaimed happily as she stepped away, eyes turning to Akira as she noted the girl's jacket wetly clinging to Nami's own skin as she loosened her grip. "You're wet." She said in a worry.

"I'm fine." Akira reassured her quickly, eyes glancing back to the building as she asked the question really on her mind and stirring her own concern. "Where's Luffy?"

"Still inside," Nami said as she turned to look at it too. "Fighting Arlong."

"He's gonna be alright." Usopp tried to claim optimistically, and perhaps if they didn't have outright view of the building as it began crumbling and falling apart, Akira would have believed him. And he would have believed himself too. "Right?" Instead, he too started to worry as brick by brick it all fell apart.

And then the ground beneath their feet shock as the entirety of Arlong Park crumbled into pieces, crashing to the ground in piles and piles of rubble, burying everything below. Akira's hands covered her mouth as she gasped in shock, heart racing and panic rising as she watched what she doubted anyone would be able to survive. And for the longest time, there was nothing, no sign of either Arlong or Luffy as they all watched the ruin in front of them.

But then it happened, a hand punched through the debris, clearing a path and climbing out from beneath it, Luffy's curly hair and skin matted with dust and rubble, but still he smiled as he victoriously looked over the group, all laughing and cheering in relief at the sight of him.

"Nami! You are our friend! We are your crew!" He yelled confidently from his spot standing atop the rubble. His words making it known that the fight was over and battle finished.

Andthey'd won.

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