{𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} Got it

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"Alice!" Lily (I) stood up and went over to her best friend

"eer Lily? What are you doing here? Who are all of them? Why didn't you come to our dorm last night? What is Potter doing here as well? Wh-"

"Alice! Stop blabbering will ya"

"I'll be more than glad to tell her what's going on" James (I) interrupted

"Umm sure" Said Lily (I) hesitantly. James then took a sip of his water, stood up, dusted his clothes, cleared his throat, put-

"There's a reason why i'm not a Hufflepuff. Tell me what's all this is. Now!" Yelled Alice (I). Alice (II) however was looking at her with a mixture of happiness and sadness

"Alright Alright" James took a deep breath "Me and Lily accidently broke a time turner which had very powerful magic and it transportated us into 1995, and a few minutes-no seconds- After we came here, many children from 2021 also came here by breaking a time turner. I now know that I marry Lily Evans and i have a son named Harry and he marries Ginny Weasley soon in the future and has three kids, one is named after me, Another one is names after Dumbledoor and stupidly Snape too, And the last one is named after Lily. And about you, You marry your boyfriend Frank and have a son named...eer Neville i think and Neville marries someone and has two kids with her, one named after you, another named after Frank. And your grand-daughter is present here in this room and dating my grand-son, how cool is that" He said faster than ever

"What in the Godric's arse did you just say" Alice (I) asked but before James I could repeat everything he said, she raised her hand to stop him and spoke "No, No. I understood what you said but.... What do you mean a time turner and... and i marry Frank?"

"You definatly do" Alice (II) spoke, smiling, "Or else i wouldn't have existed"

"Merlin, are you..... you know" Alice (I) asked wide-eyed

"Your future grand-daughter? Yes"

"That's crazy. I- i mean, it's-"

"Brilliant" Everyone gave their attention to Dumbledoor as he said it. He was standing near the place Alice (I) had teleported just now


"Miss Fortescue, you have brought this time turner back with you which is going to help all our future visitors get back to their own time" Dumbledoor's eyes lit up with a smile

"So we'll be going soon?" Asked Al

"A week or so" Dumbledoor took the time turner "We have to charm this time turner first which is going to take a bit of a time" He paused for a moment "So if you excuse me i have somewhere to go to" Dumbledoor Looked at McGonagall and said "I would like you to inform 𝘏𝘪𝘮 to get working on it Minerva"

"Alright Albus" She said just before Dumbledoor Disapparated. McGonagall looked at Molly (I), Smiled, and said "Breakfast was Lovely Molly. Thank you"

"Anytime Minerva" Said Molly (I) and then McGonagall too Disapparated

"So" said James (I) breaking a five second silence that took place "What do you all reckon we should do?"

"Quidditch?" Suggested James (II)

"Are you mental! How can you play Quidditch in here?!" Exclamined Molly (II) "And how are we going to have that many brooms?!"

"Well... We could always use a charm to make a room really big" said Remus slowly

"And we can use a doubling charm on the brooms" Bill spoke "As i know, Harry, Fred and George already have brooms"

"Not a bad idea" Said Rose "But it won't work on the Firebolt"

"So? Fred and George's brooms 'can' double" Said Ginny

"We can make my parents room bigger!" Spoke Sirius

"You're excited to damage their property aren't you" Tonks rolled her eyes


"I call dibs to play on Lily's team" Said Hugo

"We will play as our original Hogwarts team Hugo" Alice (II) said then looked at her teammates "Does that sound good?" They all nodded

"It's an intense battle, Thirteen year old Lily Potter and Fifteen year old Harry Potter? Who will catch the snitch first?"

𝑇𝑤𝑜 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠, 𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt