Dreams Do Come True

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"So, Draco Malfoy, will you marry me?"

Draco's breath hitched. Maybe he still hadn't woken up, but the nightmare had turned into a beautiful dream. He looked at Harry, seeing only his outline in the darkness: unruly hair, the silhouette of a well-built body.

Did Harry really ask him if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him? After all that, how did he and his family treat him? He felt tears running down his cheeks. He was at a loss for words, even though he knew what he wanted to say.

"You don't have to make up your mind right away," Harry whispered in a soothing voice, caressing his cheek gently.

"Draco, are you crying? I didn't mean to make you cry." Harry was truly at a loss. At that moment, he wasn't sure what his friend really wanted. But Draco was sure. He took Harry's hand in his and kissed it ceremoniously.

"I will marry you, Harry. You are my dream come true. All my life, I wanted to be close to you, first as a friend, and then my feelings slowly grew into love. Unfortunately, the more I wanted you, the worse I treated you. I didn't expect you ever to forgive me. Trust me that I will do everything to make you happy with me."

And Draco kept his promise.

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