Love at First Sight

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Scorpius sat at the dinner table with both of his fathers, waiting for Draco to prepare dessert. He used such moments to ask questions.

"How did you two meet?" he asked innocently.

"We met at Madam Malkin's shop to pick out our first school robes," Draco replied.

"That is great! And you were friends right away?'

Harry frowned slightly. How to explain it and not lie?

"Well, you know, it's complicated. We didn't become friends right away."

"And why not?"

Draco, who was mixing the vanilla pudding, rushed to Harry's aid.

"I liked Harry right from the start. He was my love at first sight."

"And why didn't he want to be friends with you? I don't understand it at all."

"I didn't know how to win his friendship, and I wasn't very nice to him."

"I do not believe it. You're nice to everyone, Dad."

Draco smiled sadly and went back to stirring the pudding. He wasn't exactly proud of this chapter of his life.

"Draco and I bickered a bit initially, but when it was important, he helped me. He saved my life in the war. I forgave him everything, and we became friends. I liked him more and more, and one day, I realised that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him," Harry said.

"And then I was born?"

"Yes, then you were born."

Draco placed small plates of pudding in front of them.

Scorpius immediately started to eat the dessert but then turned to Draco.

"How long did you wait for Harry to like you?"

"Ten years, Scorpius."

Scorpius squealed in surprise. "You must have loved him so much to wait so long for him."

"Yes, I've always loved him. It just took me a long time to show it to him."

Flufftober 2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن