When I first heard the news, I felt a sensation as if an electric current was running through my entire body. It felt like something out of a certain famous gambling manga, buzzing through. Even if I change history, it seems like during pivotal periods, a revolution similar to the original history occurs in a different country. There's a famous quote about how making someone happy requires creating a corresponding sacrifice...

...No, was that quote from a game or an anime? It seems the tension is also palpable in the person I'm conversing with at the Salon de Vénus. While sipping freshly brewed milk tea, they were currently reading the newspaper that was published this morning and examining information about the National Equality Government.

"On January 13, the declaration of the National Equality Government... Should we consider it a municipal government akin to the London Commune for now?"

"However, did this National Equality Government abolish the caste system and redistribute the wealth that was lying dormant in the estates of the nobility and royals? As long as they're spreading wealth, they'll remain in good health..."

"So, in a way, wealth is like fertilizer, and if you don't keep spreading it, the populace, akin to plants, will eventually wither and die, is that the idea?"

"That's the idea. So, if all of Britain is conquered, we will also be troubled as a result. Nevertheless, it all depends on how Prussia and other states behave at the European Conference... You, too, have quite a dilemma on your hands."

"This radical approach is not just a danger to France but to all of Europe. If this radical approach manages to gain ground in any way, individuals dissatisfied with the social system in various countries might follow suit..."

Reading the newspaper in the Salon de Vénus is none other than Joseph II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. I'm enjoying tea with him. Yes, Joseph II came with the aim of securing economic agreements and military cooperation with Austria from France. In line with this, while the European Conference is being held, he has also decided to hold discussions about important matters, assessing the situation for the future. Regarding the National Equality Government, Emperor Joseph has mentioned that as long as they can distribute plundered goods, that faction can maintain its power.

It was reported that the National Equality Army's banners were already flying in London's financial district and the streets where noble families reside. It's likely they were using the seized funds for recruiting personnel and acquiring weapons. Money is essential for mobilizing an army. Asking people to act based on principles and compassion might work for a very small number, but in most cases, the power of money is required. Food comes next.

"Anyway, to raise an army, you need money and food. London is a metropolis with hundreds of thousands of residents. If they resort to a food siege, they probably won't last until summer."

"In other words, they won't survive until then unless the revolutionary forces can seize the grain-producing regions."

"That's right. To put it another way, if the revolutionary government can control the grain-producing regions that can feed these soldiers, they can remain active for a while. Even if European nations are requested to suppress them, it will likely take at least two years."

Emperor Joseph II seemed to be a forward-thinking person as well. He's calculating the time it would take to dismantle the revolutionary government in European nations, among other things. He gathers information from military advisors and officers in the imperial army.

"Nevertheless, when I'm with you, I always find it interesting. You always approach our conversations with a fresh perspective... It's a creative way of doing things. I've heard that even Antoinette inquires about your thoughts and that you're always scheming."

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteWhere stories live. Discover now