His Majesty's Holiday

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I thought it might be nice to have a day completely off from work occasionally, so this is my first post.

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March 14, 1775

The season is changing from autumn to winter...

And now, after celebrating the New Year, we've reached the middle of March. I, Louis XVI, still feel like time is passing by faster and faster as a sensation. Feeling like your sense of time is getting shorter makes you realize you've aged a bit. When I was a child, it felt like there was a lot of time for play and homework, but as an adult, that time gradually gets shorter, spent on work...

I hate this feeling...

Although I may not be an eternal five-year-old, I still want to spend as much happy time as possible.

As March arrives, the days start to get longer, and the temperature slowly becomes warmer, especially since it's the beginning of spring, but it's still cold at times. The best thing to do is to wrap ourselves in blankets with Antoinette and Thérèse in the warmth of our room's bed. Today is a rare completely free day... Well, it's unusual to have a whole day off. Since I don't have any plans, it's a day to spend quality time with Antoinette and Thérèse without any hesitation.

When I wake up, it's around 7 in the morning, which is my usual wake-up time... But today is a holiday, so the head servant comes in to greet me at 10 in the morning. During this time... I have about three hours of free time. I woke up five minutes before Antoinette did. And after realizing how cold the room was, I got up from bed, tossed some firewood into the fireplace, and then crawled back under the covers. In short, I planned to take a nap again.

"Uuuhh... March is still quite cold, isn't it?"

"Yes, even with the firewood burning in the fireplace, it's still chilly..."

"In times like this, nothing beats warming up in Antoinette's embrace... It's so cozy, and hugs are the best, after all..."

"Hehe... I do love that about you, Lord Auguste! Why don't you come closer?"

"Well then... here goes..."

All in all, cuddling with Antoinette and exchanging affectionate words isn't so bad. In fact, it's the best moment. When I'm enveloped in her warmth, I can't help but think that I'm glad to have been reborn as Louis XVI, no matter what they say.

She's beautiful, cares for her family, and is the best wife who can also think of others. Invited by Antoinette's sweet words, I approached her carefully to avoid waking Thérèse, who was sleeping between us. We held hands in bed, slowly pulling our bodies closer together. Perhaps due to our sleepwear, Antoinette's soft body drew me in, and thanks to our embrace, our bodies warmed up quickly.

"Ahh... thank you, Antoinette."

"You're welcome, Lord Auguste. You're getting warmer too."

"Yes, this is the warmest and healthiest way, and I love being able to sleep together with Thérèse as she grows day by day."

"That's right... She's already eight months old... Our little Thérèse has grown so much... It's truly wonderful that we were blessed with a child..."

Between me and Antoinette, Thérèse slept soundly with a happy smile on her face. She does cry at night sometimes, but I took care of Thérèse in Antoinette's place, soothing her to sleep and changing her diapers, among other things. With the desire to raise our child properly, I made sure to spend as much time as possible with Antoinette and Thérèse when I had the opportunity. Quality time with family is priceless; you can't buy it with money.

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteWhere stories live. Discover now