Chapter 4: Building a Resistance

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Log Entry: 6

Name: Peter

Surname: Parker

Middle Name: Benjamin

Information: Great! Another thing in my life, GONE! First my parents, then my aunt and uncle, and now my wife and kid!!! CAN'T ONE THING IN MY LIFE GO WELL! OR DOES THE UNIVERSE HATE ME!!! Anyway it appears the symbiote has caused a zombie-like virus and we're just trying to survive. I managed to get me and Eddie out before the virus got too bad, Eddie appears to be permanently bonded to the symbiote but like me is somehow immune to the virus. I also somehow manages to collect all the journals, which I guess it's a good thing, even though these entries will be going to nobody at least there will be people there to find them. Anyway until I get Eddie and I to a safe place, we're gonna keep swinging, this is the Spectacular Spider-Man signing off.

Log Entry: 1

Name: Edward

Surname: Brock

Middle Name(s): Charles Allan

Information: Well this sucks for me, but what else is new, my life is just one big void in the universe causing death to all in it's wake. Hello there, I'm Eddie Brock, as a child I accidentally got a kid killed but my dad refused to let me go to prison given his standing in the community. Later on in life I got married but my wife Anne Weying divorced me after an article I wrote was discredited, I nearly attempted to end myself but decided against it. Later on, I was invited by the Avengers to join in an experiment that could save the world from every disease, given I was suffering from cancer I decided to join the experiment. Unfortunately this has led me bonded to an alien symbiote that due to absorbing nearly every disease known to man and then it giving birth to a disease filled symbiote. With the 2 diseased symbiotes briefly working together people were infected with a strange zombie-like disease that gives them the urge to eat each other's flesh and turn each other into zombies. I know it's not my fault but somehow I blame myself for this, I managed to re-bond to the Venom symbiote to stop it from hurting people but being bonded to me somehow leaves the symbiote weak. Peter and I managed to escape and given I can't use the symbiote for the moment he is carrying me, I will update when we have stopped or something happens, Eddie Brock or Venom signing off.

Log Entry: 7

Name: Peter

Surname: Parker

Middle Name: Benjamin

Information: AAAUUUGGGHHHH! Crap! Okay, calm down Peter, and talk with out groans and moans wincing in pain. Okay so as I was carrying Eddie, I got the bright idea to head to the Baxter Building hoping maybe people escaped there as the infection started at Avengers Tower. Now you may be asking didn't Iron Man take the symbiote to the Baxter Building to experiment on it, and you'd be correct. However we didn't stay in the Baxter Building and different buildings had different and sometimes better materials to experiment with, so after we were done with work at one building we went to another and vice versa. Anyway as we headed there we saw 2 humanoid figures that were floating and on fire, I figured it was Johnny Storm also known as the Human Torch and maybe a clone. However I was wrong, nearly dead wrong it was Johnny however it was also Jim Hammond an android created during World War II and the original Human Torch. When they spotted us they came after us and I tried to swing away but the 2 burned me, moans and groans in pain again as he touches his eye. I dropped Eddie, I hope he survived, if he doesn't I won't be able to live with myself, ugh why is my life so horrible?! Peter takes a break and calms down Time to go. This is Peter Parker also known as the Spectacular Spider-Man signing off.

Log Entry: 2

Name: Edward

Surname: Brock

Middle Name(s): Charles Allan

Information: CRUD! Peter dropped me! It wasn't his fault, I would've dropped me too but like now we're gonna have to find each other again. I also found out a weird fact about the symbiote, given its infected nature being near the infected has made it strong again. Also another weird fact, I'm apparently immune to zombie bites, during the battle Venom and I didn't notice the symbiote coming and a zombie bit me. However it's been like an hour and I've yet to turn, I don't think Peter however will be as fortunate so I've got to find him. Currently Venom and I are fighting through hordes of infected, Venom is getting stronger and stronger with each zombie he kills, though I'd prefer if he'd stick to just destroying them with tendrils rather than eating them. I may not taste the zombies he eats but still I can smell them through the symbiote and if I wasn't already cured from cancer this would kill me. Anyway we're looking for Peter hoping we can spot him from the top of the Baxter Building, I'll update in a bit if or when we find him. This is Eddie Brock or Venom signing off.

Log Entry: 8

Name: Peter

Surname: Parker

Middle Name: Benjamin

Information: Okay good news, I found Eddie but not only that I spotted what looked like a none infected roaming around, I didn't get a good look at whoever they are but they appeared to have super strength. How do I know, they lifted a boulder 10x larger than me, and I'm fairly large... okay I'm not that large but still the boulder was huge. Me and Eddie are headed towards them, I wonder who they are, the person looked familiar like as if I'd seen them. Maybe they're apart of the government or military, whoever they are maybe we can take these zombies down. Just the thought of me getting the world back to normal so I can have my life again makes me happy. However, I know the world will try someway to ruin it, anyway this is the Spectacular Spider-Man signing off until I update once again.

Log Entry: 3

Name: Edward

Surname: Brock

Middle Name(s): Charles Allan

Information: Alright so me and Peter found some people joining the resistance, he seemed pretty happy to see them. Apparently some superheroes like Wolverine, Power-Man, Ms. Marvel, and a couple others were here and were able to fight of the zombies. Peter got pretty depressed when the heroes stated that they hadn't seen the zombified Mary Jane, poor Peter things seemed to be going well for him. He was a superhero, he had a job at a news place called the Daily Bugle, he was married to the girl of his dreams and was even gonna have a child with her. I lost everything and didn't even had the life he had, however Peter unlike me still has the chance to make things right. If Anne were hear right now, I'd apologize for all that had happened and beg her to take me back right now. But right now I feel it's my responsibility to help Peter end this apocalypse and save his girl, don't worry kid, we'll get her eventually. This is Eddie Brock or Venom signing off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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