Where Did You Go, Winter?

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I still remember seeing the news..
My heart refuses to believe it..
My brain froze in shock..
Everything felt like it was stuck in time
How to think..how to proceed..
How to go about the day..when you're gone?
The worst part of grief..the shock
The denial..the false hope that it's wrong
Then.. it fades..the shock fades..
Like a warm blanket in a cold storm
Everything surges up.. you have to go home..
You can't continue your day.. have to go
You are set free from school but..
Not free from the grief..the pain..
Her beautiful smile and tweety bird whistle
Her beautiful side to side swimming
Her prosthetic tail.. her rostrum..
Her rostrum against your hand..
The way your eyes and her eyes met
Two eyes connected
Two hearts connected
In your room.. surrounded by grief..
Looking at the webcams..
You're not here
You're not there anymore
You're gone

Since You Went Away: In Loving Memory of Winter the Dolphin Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz