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Aid - Assistance, Help, Support
Angry - Furious, Irritated, Enraged
Bad - Poor, Terrible, AwfulBeautiful -
Attractive, Gorgeous, Stunning
Beautiful - Gorgeous, Stunning, Lovely
Big - Large, Huge, Giant
Brave - Courageous, Valiant, Fearless
Brilliant - Dazzling, Shining, Radiant
Calm - Peaceful, Tranquil, Serene
Chase - Pursue, Hunt, Follow
Clever - Smart, Intelligent, Sharp
Cold - Chilly, Freezing, Icy
Cruel -Brutal, Heartless, Ruthless
Dangerous - Hazardous, Perilous, Unsafe
Difficult - Challenging, Hard, Complicated
Diligent - Hardworking, Industrious, Assiduous
Dishonest - Deceitful, Untruthful, Fraudulent
Eager - Enthusiastic, Keen, Excited
Eager - Keen, Anxious, Enthusiastic
Eager - Zealous, Fervent, Avid
Easy - Simple, Effortless, Basic
Excited - Thrilled, Eager, Enthusiastic
Famous - Renowned, Celebrated, Well-known
Fast - Quick, Rapid, Speedy
Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Fearful - Afraid, Scared, Terrified
Fragile - Delicate, Brittle, Breakable
Funny - Humorous, Hilarious, Comical
Generous - Charitable, Benevolent, Liberal
Gentle - Mild, Tender, Kind
Gloomy - Dismal, Depressing, Dreary
Good - Excellent, Great, Fine
Happy - Content, Joyful, Blissful
Happy - Joyful, Content, Pleased
Harsh - Severe, Rough, Stern
Honest - Truthful, Sincere, Genuine
Hope - Aspiration, Optimism, Wish
Hot - Warm, Boiling, Scorching
Idea - Notion, Concept, Thought
Innocent - Guiltless, Pure, Blameless
Job - Occupation, Profession, Career
Journey - Expedition, Voyage, Trek
Journey - Trip, Voyage, Expedition
Keen - Sharp, Intense, Acute
Kind - Benevolent, Compassionate, Gentle, Tender-Hearted
Knowledge - Wisdom, Understanding, Awareness
Lazy - Idle, Slothful, Inactive
Lively - Animated, Spirited, Energetic
Loud - Noisy, Boisterous, Racket
Magnificent - Grand, Splendid, Majestic
Mother - Mom, Mama, Parent
Narrow - Limited, Restricted, Tight
Near - Close, Proximity, Nearby
Noble - Honorable, Admirable, Virtuous
Obedient - Compliant, Submissive, Docile
Observe - Witness, Watch, Perceive
Optimistic - Hopeful, Positive, Confident
Pain - Ache, Suffering, Discomfort
Pleasant - Agreeable, Nice, Enjoyable
Ponder - Contemplate, Reflect, Meditate
Poor - Needy, Deprived, Impoverished
Quarrel - Dispute, Argument, Conflict
Quick - Fast, Swift, Rapid
Quick - Speedy, Swift, Fast
Reliable - Trustworthy, Dependable, Faithful
Reveal - Disclose, Unveil, Expose
Rich - Wealthy, Affluent, Prosperous
Rough - Coarse, Harsh, Unsmooth
Sad - Unhappy, Sorrowful, Miserable
Scared - Frightened, Petrified, Anxious
Serious - Grave, Solemn, Earnest
Slow - Gradual, Sluggish, Lethargic
Small - Little, Tiny, Miniature
Smart - Intelligent, Clever, Bright
Strong - Powerful, Mighty, Sturdy
Stupid - Dumb, Ignorant, Unintelligent
Sturdy - Robust, Strong, Firm
Surprise - Astonishment, Amazement, Startle
Talent - Gift, Skill, Ability
Tired - Fatigued, Exhausted, Weary
Tough - Strong, Resilient, Hardy
Turbulent - Chaotic, Stormy, Unstable
Ugly - Unattractive, Hideous, Repulsive
Unique - Distinctive, Exclusive, One-of-a-kind
Unite - Unify, Merge, Combine
Unusual - Rare, Unique, Peculiar
Vast - Immense, Extensive, Wide
Vivid - Bright, Lively, Colorful
Vivid - Graphic, Evocative, Clear
Wander - Roam, Ramble, Drift
Weak - Feeble, Frail, Fragile
Wise - Knowledgeable, Sage, Insightful
Yearn - Crave, Long, Desire
Yell - Shout, Scream, Roar
Youthful - Young, Juvenile, Adolescent
Zealous - Passionate, Eager, Enthusiastic
Zest - Enthusiasm, Gusto, Energy
Zest - Gusto, Relish, Excitement

If you have more please let me know and I will add them

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