Violet Wrists and then Her Ankles

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~Kakashi POV~


"Hi Old Man! Ofpp!" Asuma dropped me on the floor. He is really strong to have carried me all that way. I reached my hand up to slap his butt again but he stopped me.


"Asuma, what is the reason..."


"Hokage-San! Kakashi found this about an hour and a half ago!" He gave my paper to the Hokage. He read it and gasped.


"Kakashi! Why didn't you bring this here when you found it?"


"He took my liquor." I said, crossing my arms. I burped. "Haha. Excuse me."

        "Asuma, gather all the Jounin!"


"I can't! All of them are out on missions!"


"Damn it! Sakura, go get Shino and Kiba, now!" Sakura ran off to find the Genin.


"Sarutobi, you said a bad word..." I said, smiling.


"What happened to him?" Sarutobi asked, motioning his arm in my direction.


"He's drunk." Asuma said.


"I am not!" I stood up but the room started spinning, so I fell back down. It was fun... Sarutobi sighed and dug through his desk drawers. He pulled out a black vial and threw it to me. I caught it, but somehow it ended up on the floor.

        "Drink it."

        "Yes! More booze!" I turned my back to them so that they couldn't see my beautiful face. I chugged it down before breaking into a coughing fit. "Old Man, what the hell is..." I immediately felt like someone was hitting a base drum inside my head. "Oh... What happened?"

        "Kakashi, you drank at least four full bottles of liquor. And tried to buy Sakura. I'm not even going to get into when you slapped my butt."


"Kakashi, you slapped his butt?" The Hokage asked me.


"I did what? Why are you guys yelling? I'm right here." Hokage-San dug through his desk again and pulled out a small tablet.

        "Take this. The thing you drank speeds up the intoxication process. This will get rid of your hangover. You have to go with them to save (F/N)." I nodded and swallowed the pill.

~(F/N) POV~


I don't feel anymore. I can't feel anymore. Everything is always hurting, yet I am numb. I no longer feel Kabuto's bites. I no longer know when he is kissing me. I can't feel the bruises running up and down my body. I can no longer feel the thing that labeled me virgin. I can no longer talk, I will no longer talk. It is pointless. I can't feel the ropes around my wrists and ankles. I can't feel the purple lines that trace across them. I can not feel the collar around my neck that tightens if he pulls on the rope that is always connected to his wrist. I can't hear Orochimaru's laughs about my state. I don't know who I am. I don't know why I am here. I remember nothing, like someone threw my memories into a blazing fire. I keep having the same dream. Would I call it a dream? I can see nothing, all is infinitely black. Yet I can hear. I hear that name. The name that gives me hope that I have a purpose, that I still have my memories. "Kashi."

It repeats itself over and over again. I sometimes doubt if it even has a meaning, but it is my only hope that this was not always my life.


"Baby...What's wrong?" Kabuto nibbled on my earlobe. I say nothing in response, he only tugs his wrist. The collar tightens.


"I keep having the same dream." I look up at the ceiling as his lips make their way up my jawline.


"Oh yeah." He said, phrasing it as a statement, not a question. He found my lips, I can no longer feel them. I wouldn't now where he was if my eyes weren't open. I'm not allowed to wear clothes. He said that clothes stop him from being able to love me. I don't understand how though. "Baby..." His voice woke me from my thoughts. "Baby..." He reached up and untied my wrists. "Do it..." He murmured against my lips. I forced my fingers to knead through his hair, gently tugging at moments. I don't know how he feels pleasure from this. But he seems to like it because he groans when I do it. That is my job, make him like it. He sat up and sighed.

"You sure aren't as much fun as you used to be. How tight do I have to make this thing?!" He pulled at his wrist, I could barely breath. "Make me know your having fun!" He slammed his lips onto mine. I did my job and moaned into his mouth. He claimed me again.

~Kakashi POV~


Asuma, Naruto, Shino, Kiba, and I left about half an hour ago. I am faltering on my jumps, my feet don't want to stay under me. I haven't slept in four days. I'm surprised that I'm still standing. Why the hell did I yell at her? How could I have been so stupid?

~Kakashi Memory~


"I really don't think that it is that big a deal." I threw my hands in the air.


"Kashi, I won't have sex before marriage. It's wrong." She walked over and wrapped he arms around my stomach.


"No." I removed her arms. "You don't get a hug."

     She sighed.

"Kashi, I'm sorry. But I won't." I slammed the pot down on the stove.


"You were the one that said to let them figure it out! I'm pretty damn sure that if we go get married, someone is going to notice. Example, the Preacher."


"Don't raise your voice with me."


"You know what?"




"Maybe you just shouldn't have come back!" The words came out of my mouth before I knew I said them. She stepped back, grabbing the table for support. A tear ran down her face. "(F/N)... I..." She ran in the bedroom, and jumped through the window. "(F/N)!" I yelled. I followed her out the window after shutting the stove off. 'Where the hell did she go?' I thought as I looked around.

"(F/N)! I'm sorry!" But she was already gone.

(A/N   The title of this chapter is also lyrics from "Monster" by Meg and Dia

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